“That was Rachel’s idea, not mine. She wished me to ask you to introduce me to some of theseadventures.”She held his gaze, unable to resist and longing to see his reaction. There was something in his eyes she couldn’t quite decipher, almost a spark of some kind. Sophia was also very aware of how close they were standing together, practically with their arms brushing as they stood by the drinks table.

“But you are not asking me?”

“No!” Sophia laughed again and smiled up at him. “A wild idea, is it not?” She motioned to him, encouraging him to join in with the jest too.

“Yes, indeed, wild, mad even.” He chuckled with her.

“You may be a rake, but you have your rules, do you not?”

“You know of my rules?” he asked, his chuckling pausing momentarily.

“As you have just said, we know each other by now. I have observed how you do not take ladies you know to your bed, Your Grace.”

“Perceptive. Strangers, acquaintances, certainly, but you and I know each other too well. It is a rule I have, you see? I do not have entanglements with ladies I know, and I never break my own rules.”

“Just so.” She attempted to turn away, glad that she had brushed off this conversation and been able to laugh about it with him. Yet, she did not get far. He followed at her side.

“I did not say I was not tempted by the idea of being the one to introduce you to such things, Lady Elkins.” His words made her turn back to him, her eyes wide.

“I did not ask it of you.” She reminded him, watching as he nodded. “As I said, it is a wild idea of Rachel’s, that is all.”

“Yes, wild indeed.” He chuckled once again. “So, we should just forget the entire suggestion?”

“Just so.” She tried to turn away once more, but he followed.

“Does this mean you will ask another gentleman to show you such things?”

“Ha! You and I may know each other quite well, but even you know that is a confidence too far.”

“Perhaps a little.” He acknowledged with a nod. “Allow me to give some advice though, as a friend.”

“We are friends now, are we?” she asked, amazed he had given her such a term.

“We are.” He motioned across the room. “Do not ask Sir Arnold to be that man. You deserve a better man than him, and I am quite certain he would not impress you in that department.”

“How do you know what would impress me?” she asked in challenge, folding her arms across her chest. At once, a mischievous smile appeared on his lips.

“Oh, I think I could impress you, My Lady. If you asked me to show you these adventures.”

“I thought we were brushing off this idea? We both laughed at it.”

“That we did.” He nodded in agreement, yet still that smile was in place.

They stared at each other for a moment, with no words passing between them. In that time, Sophia’s breath hitched, feeling an excitement crawling up her body so that her spine was tempted to shiver.

This must end! I will not ask the Duke of Pemberton to be my lover.

Before Sophia could think of a way to leave, the Duke lifted his hand to her.

“Dance with me, Lady Elkins?”

“You know I never dance with you.”

“Then break your rule for one night,” he asked in quiet voice. “You already bent it a little earlier.”

“That was not my choice.” She narrowed her eyes on him. “As you said earlier, Your Grace. You do not break your rules. I will not break mine either. Now, I wish you goodnight.” She curtsied to him, intending to move on quickly.

Before she could leave, the Duke took her hand, catching her fingers in his. When he lifted her gloved hand to his lips, she held her breath, waiting for what would happen next. His lips kissed her through the glove. It should have been a formal thing, nothing in it really, yet those striking blue eyes held her gaze as he offered that kiss. It was a touch she didn’t think she would forget.