Page 19 of Kingdom of Wolves

He shook his head. “I’ll do you one better. I’ll help you break the curse on your pack, but I need both of you to agree to my request.”

His gaze slid toward me, and I shuddered.

But what choice did I have? He could take our blood if he wanted to, regardless of whether or not we cooperated. All he had to do was make me mad enough to shift, then tie me down in these damn silver chains and cut me up. Or I could agree, and get something from him in return. The chance to break the curse and save our pack.

It wasn’t exactly a choice.

I nodded once. “Okay. You can have my blood too.”

I wanted to ask about the potion he was going to make but had the strong feeling he wouldn’t tell us anyway. I probably didn’t want to know, either.

“Then we have a deal.” The warlock snapped his fingers.

Food appeared before us, trays of steaming hot pies and cold chicken sandwiches.

“Eat,” he said, clapping his hands. “I will see to my own breakfast upstairs, then I’ll come back to discuss the terms of our deal.”

He walked back up the stairs and closed the trap door behind him.

I glanced over at Kyle, a sinking feeling developing in the pit of my stomach. “Why does it feel like we just made a deal with the devil?”

Kyle grunted and picked up a meat pie. “Probably because we did.”