Page 48 of Kingdom of Wolves

Chapter 14


I wasn’t sure what I was going to say to the high warlock when I reached his house, but my instincts told me that I needed to see him. My gut was rarely wrong, so I did something I really didn’t want to do and left my mate with my Beta. That stuck in my craw something fierce, and I marched up the path to the large house that overlooked the whole town, with fire already churning in my belly.

When I reached the front door, a strange ripple coursed over my body. Was that the warlock’s magic? Or one of the protection wards Monique had spoken about?

Either way, the ripple hadn’t hurt me, so I forged forward and knocked.

The strange witch wife came to the door.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

I tilted my head at her, still confused by her function. She didn’t seem to really see me, even when she looked straight at me. I hadn’t seen any evidence that she was a live functioning person. She barely spoke; I’d never seen her eat, and her tone and words were robot-like.

“Yes. I’d like to see the high warlock.”

She nodded and stepped back. “Come in. I’ll tell him you’re here.”

By the time we walked to the sitting room, the high warlock was already there.

“Hello, alpha wolf,” he said.

The hairs on the back of my neck stuck up.

“I’m not the Alpha,” I said. Not yet. Though of course I would aim to fulfil that position when our leader passed on.

The high warlock smiled as though we had some sort of ‘in’ joke going on, and gestured to the brightly colored couches.

I frowned at the sofas. “Weren’t these purple the last time we were here?”

Everything was in the same style and laid out the same way, but it was all... changed. I couldn’t put my finger on what had been altered, exactly, but the sensation of wrongness was discomfiting.

I perched on the edge of the sofa.

The high warlock crossed his legs, staring at me with that superior expression I had already grown to hate.

“No, they weren’t, I don’t believe. Although, my wife does like to change our furniture whenever the whim strikes her. Perhaps she did something, when we weren’t looking?”

I stared around, searching for the wife. She’d vanished.

My mind skittered away from her.She isn’t important, my inner voice told me.Yes, she is.

No, said the soothing voice.She isn’t. Forget her.


“What can I do for you today?” he asked.

I clasped my hands together. My nerves were stretched thin in this house. My wolf wanted to howl a warning, and my human side had to suppress a shiver. It felt like there was a threat, and yet I couldn’t sense anything overt.

“I wanted to ask how you were going with your research,” I said.


“Finding out how to break the curse on my pack.”

“Ah, that.” The high warlock smiled and a shiver of unease worked its way up my spine. “I believe I will be able to help you.”