Chapter Twenty-Three


We all walk in the waiting room with our men flanking each side. The show of force is almost comical to me. Ironic that we all have security to keep us safe, and yet there is nothing safe about this scene. If we all started firing, there’s not a single one of us that would survive. A bloodbath all over a woman. If you would have asked me if I’d be standing here a few months ago, I would have laughed in your face.

And yet… here I am. Ready to lose it all for Lyriope.

The Sidorovs are in their office, waiting for us to negotiate. They sent word that this would be a civil auction. The girl goes to the highest bidder. We are to enter their office, offer our amount, and they will hand over the girl to the lucky winner. The rules are simple, the stakes are high, but only one winner in this card game.

Gio Ralston is called into the office first to represent the Constantines. The fact that an actual Constantine isn’t here bodes well for either myself or Bryant. We are showing the Sidorovs the respect by not sending some lackey to do our dirty work.

Gio exits, and the Sidorov security motion for me to enter next. I walk straight inside, not caring if I’m walking into a trap or not. It feels as if this entire meeting is a gentlemen’s agreement, and for that, I’m known to always hold up my end of a bargain. We’ve all agreed to a set of terms, and I have to have faith that the Sidorovs, Morellis, and Constantines are gentlemen just like me.

“Whatever Morelli or Constantine offers, I’ll not only match, I’ll double,” I say to the Sidorovs as I approach. They sit at the table, silent, dark eyes narrowing.

“This all ends tonight. You get your money, I go back to the way it was, and Morelli and Constantine can both go back to the States and fuck themselves.”

The eldest Sidorov raises an eyebrow. “Is that it?”

His comment throws me off a bit, but I refuse to show it. “Black and white, gentlemen. Name the price, and I’ll pay it.”

They all nod and then motion for their security to escort me out. “Bring Bryant Morelli in next,” they say as I walk out feeling as if something isn’t quite right.

I pass Bryant as I leave, and it takes all my might not to punch him in the goddamn face. I don’t even know why he cares. He’s not here for Lyriope—his daughter. He’s here so that no one else can have her and have a bargaining chip over him. The fact that he hasn’t bombed this building to teach the Sidorovs a lesson to never mess with a Morelli is shocking to me. I would do the honors myself if it weren’t for the fact that I don’t want to put Lyriope’s life in danger. I know Bryant, however, can give a fuck less about her and whether she lives or not.

Gio Ralston is in the front room, pissing me off even breathing the same air as me. I should kill the man right here and now, but Harrison is giving me silent looks to chill the fuck out.

“How did it go?” Harrison asks in a low voice as we walk over to the furthest corner of the room.

“Those fucks are going to pay for this,” I say, hating that they are in the back office meeting with Bryant over Lyriope’s fate and there isn’t anything I can do about it.

“What did you offer?” Harrison asks.

“Everything,” I say.

Harrison lets out a deep breath. “She’s worth losing it all, huh?”

“I can rebuild.” I begin pacing back and forth, my cane hitting loudly on the floor. I focus on not looking at Gio because if I do, I may take the ruby off my cane and shove the blade right through his eye. “I don’t want to hear another goddamn word,” I warn Harrison. “Not another fucking word.”

Morelli eventually exits the office, a smug look on his face. He gives me a wink and then makes his way over to his men. Rage like I’ve never felt sizzles through me.

The Sidorovs all exit the office and line up before us. They have Lyriope standing next to them, and my heart nearly stops. She looks directly at me and mouths that she’s okay. She gives me a reassuring nod, but it doesn’t soothe the chaos of madness swirling inside of me.

“It’s been a pleasure doing business with all of you,” the eldest Sidorov begins.

My eyes scan Lyriope’s body, making sure she hasn’t been harmed in any way since I last left her.

“Let’s make this quick,” Bryant says.

He shoves Lyriope toward Bryant, giving me a smirk as he does. “Mr. Morelli, I’m looking forward to working with you in the future. You are the winner of tonight’s auction.”

I move toward Lyriope but the sounds of clicks of triggers being pulled, and red laser dots painting me has me stopping mid stride.


Lyriope’s eyes dart to the red laser dot on my chest. “Please don’t.” I can hear the panic in her voice.

I lift my arms up to show I have no intention of doing anything that warrants me being shot. “I’ll stop this,” I say low enough that only she can hear.