His expression softened, sympathy there. “Got it. Let’s be Team Christmas Sucks and find you a dog.”

He swept his hand in front of him, indicating she should head out first, and she turned to walk into the hallway. As he locked up behind her, doubt began to flood in. What was she doing again? She’d obviously guilted her poor coworker into accompanying her. This was completely a pityyes. This was her mom getting the neighbor kid to ask Eliza to prom so she wouldn’t be dateless. She should shut this down right now. Save herself the humiliation and Beckham the trouble.

Beckham tucked his key card in his back pocket and spun to face her, looking like sin and summer on this gray day. “Ready?”

She swallowed hard, ignoring the pang of want that zipped through her.No ma’am, mind out of the gutter right this minute.She started one of her handy mental lists.

Why Beckham Carter Is Not an Appropriate Crush

1. Not my type.

2. Coworker.

3. Too young.

4. Is only going with me out of pity.

5. The attraction is purely physical—don’t know him.

6. Usually avoids me.

7. Is probably just a tech bro underneath the indie-rocker disguise.

The list was a good one. A valid one.A smart one.

But as they got into her car and pulled away from WorkAround, her mind began to drift to the places it shouldn’t. Places that made her skin warm. Lonely people could make bad decisions.

And Beckham Carter suddenly looked like he’d be the perfect bad decision on a cold winter day.