Eliza bit her lips together because frankly, Beckham did look hot. His T-shirt had ridden up a little above his jeans and she couldn’t not look at the sliver of exposed skin.

“You ready to go?” Will asked. “I know I’m a little early. I had to drop something off to Mr. Ego over here.”

“Yeah, I’m good,” she said, looking back to Will and trying to get herself focused on this date.

Beckham lifted a hand. “Y’all have fun.”

The words were casual and light, but Eliza detected a hint of something else there. Beckham wasn’t as comfortable with this as he was pretending to be. There was a twinge of annoyance. But she wasn’t going to read too much into it. If Beckham had been leaving with a date in front of her, she’d probably feel a little prickly about it, too.

They were only friends with benefits, but they were also human.

“Thanks, man,” Will said. He put his hand lightly on Eliza’s elbow to guide her out.

She glanced back once to tell Beckham bye, but he’d already dropped his feet to the floor and turned back to his computer. They’d been dismissed.