He glanced down at his arm. “I’ll live.”

Without allowing herself to think too hard about it, she got up and went to his side of the couch. “Stop being ridiculous.” She plopped down next to him and pulled the quilt over them both. “I’m capable of sharing as long as you don’t mind me in your personal space. You did once have your tongue in my mouth. I think we can probably manage our arms touching without catching each other’s cooties.”

Ha. See, she could compartmentalize, too.Look how totally fine with what happened I am!

He snorted. “Trying to cuddle with me, Eli?”

She pulled the blanket up to her neck and tucked her legs up onto the couch. “You wish, hacker.”

He chuckled under his breath and then reached for the remote, starting the movie again.

Before long, she could feel his body relax next to her. His arm ended up on the back of the couch again, only this time, it was right behind her.

She wasn’t cold anymore.

Damn.She really needed to put a padlock on that box in her brain.