“And he just left you standing there?” Andi asked as she piled a small paper plate with fresh-baked cookies from a platter on the kitchen island.
Eliza grabbed a cookie and took a big bite before responding. “Yeah, it was super awkward. I mean, I get it. We work next door to each other and we’re friends, but he could’ve let me know it was a hard line for him before making me stand up in front of everyone and then just bailing. I know we’re having a preteen theme tonight, but I didn’t want actual angst to be part of the night.”
Andi hummed her assent as she chewed, a line appearing between her brows. After she swallowed, she said, “Maybe he didn’t know until that very moment that it was a hard line. Like he thought it wouldn’t be a big deal and then realized it might be.”
“Oh God,” Eliza groaned. “Do you think I looked at him too eagerly or something? Likeoh shit, this woman might have a thing for me?”
Andi arched her brows. “Doyou have a thing for him?”
“No,” Eliza said defensively. “I told you. Different places in life and all that. But there’s some attraction there, sure. I mean, have you seen him? Maybe that showed on my face.”
Andi licked chocolate off her thumb. “Maybe he didn’t want to kiss you in front of the friend he’s trying to set you up with.”
Eliza leaned back against the island. “Huh. Maybe. I hadn’t thought of that. That could make sense.”
Andi shifted to the left to let someone else get to the cookie platter. She and Eliza moved to a quieter corner of the kitchen, both ready for a break from the activities. Eliza had tried a few games after Spin the Bottle to try to shake off the weirdness with Beckham. She’d been a holder for a round of Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board. Then, she and Will had won a complicated scavenger hunt because they’d been the only ones to figure out how to find a fish that doesn’t swim—a Goldfish cracker. But when Will had to leave early, she’d decided she was done with gaming for the night and had found Andi.
“So how was that kiss?” Andi asked.
“With Will?” When Andi nodded, Eliza shrugged. “It was nice.”
Andi’s nose wrinkled. “Nice?”
“Nice isn’t a bad thing. It’s not like we could have some passionate kiss in front of a group of strangers. It was appropriately good,” she said, even though she barely remembered any detail of the kiss. All she remembered was that Will had been respectful. “And he must’ve thought it was good, too. He had to leave the party a little early, but he asked for my number, wants to get together for dinner.”
“You like him?”
Eliza swallowed another bite of cookie. “I do. Smart. Polite. Nice to look at.”
Andi tossed her paper plate in the trash and brushed the crumbs from her hands. “Then, that’s great. Mission accomplished. You came to a party without your phone and met a nice guy.Andkissed him.” She lifted her hand. “High five.”
Eliza tapped her palm to Andi’s. “You’re right. Ididdo that. This was a thousand times better than any dating-app date I’ve had in months. Even with the weird moment with Beckham.”
“That’s what you need to focus on.” Andi glanced over at the wall clock, which was moving toward the single digits. “Are you ready to head out? I’ve made my way through all the spooky rooms. Pretty cool stuff. They’re really into nailing the details here.”
“They definitely are. Remind me to tell you about the free Lip Smackers,” Eliza said.
Andi looked aghast. “I missed Lip Smackers? I used to love those.”
Eliza smirked. “You would’ve had to kiss strangers.”
“Never mind. I’ll buy my own.” She cocked her head toward the door. “So, shall we make our exit?”
“Yeah, I’m wiped out,” Eliza said. “But I should probably find Beckham and at least tell him bye. Heisthe one who invited me here.”
“Sure,” Andi said. “Have you seen him since he bailed on Spin the Bottle?”
Eliza frowned. “No.”
“Hmm. Do you know if he’s still here?”
“I don’t. And I obviously can’t text him without my phone. But I get the feeling he wouldn’t leave without at least saying goodbye.” Eliza glanced around the kitchen, hoping to spot him. “Plus, I don’t want the first time I see him after that awkward moment to be at work. Do you mind if I do a quick round and try to find him?”
“Nope. Not at all,” Andi said. “If you give me your phone, I’ll go get ours unlocked and meet you downstairs.”
Eliza pulled out her packaged phone and handed it to Andi. Then she leaned over and gave Andi a side hug. “I love you. Thanks for coming with me tonight.”