She bit her lip, dark eyes sparkling. “I love it. Though I’m vastly disappointed that they’re not footie pajamas.”
He looked down at his black pants with small Millennium Falcons all over them. “As am I.” He nodded toward her outfit. “I’m digging the British vibe of yours.”
“Thanks.” She touched the collar. “They were a gift and are the only true pajamas I own. I’m more of a boxers and T-shirt kind of person.”
Don’t picture it. Don’t picture it. Do not picture her in her nightclothes.“Guess footie pajamas will be on both of our Christmas lists this year.”
“Absolutely.” She glanced past him into the great room, her gaze curious. “So do you know all these people?”
“Not all of them, but a good number of them.” Beckham turned and noticed Will was looking their way, flicking his hand like they should come over. “I know the core group that started the parties.”
“The guy in a tiger onesie seems to want you to join him,” Eliza said. “Andthatis a sentence I never thought I’d utter.”
“Get used to it. I have a feeling tonight is going to be weirder than normal. And Tiger Onesie is my friend Will. Believe or not, he’s a well-respected lawyer by day.” Beckham lifted his finger in the give-me-a-sec gesture to let Will know he’d seen him. For some reason, even though he’d invited Eliza here to introduce her to people, he suddenly felt less than enthused to do so.Hewanted to be the one to show her around the party.
But when Andi returned with drinks, Beckham knew he needed to stop being territorial and do what he’d agreed to do. This wasn’t a date. This was a friend helping another friend meet new people.
Eliza looked at her bright-purple drink warily. “I’m not sure I even want to know what they put in here to achieve this color.” She lifted it toward the light. “And is that Nerds candy frozen in the ice cubes?”
Andi laughed. “Don’t ask. Just drink. I promise it’s virginal. I watched the bartender make it.” She looked to Beckham. “So where to first?”
“How about I introduce y’all to some friends?” Beckham reluctantly nodded toward the group he’d left. “They were debating which games to try first.”
Beckham led Eliza and Andi to the group, and everyone’s heads turned in their direction. “Hey, any more room?” he asked. “This is Eliza and this is Andi. They work in the same building as I do. This is their first NoPho party.”
“Absolutely,” Trinity said, and smacked Kevin playfully. “Grab these ladies some chairs.”
Kevin and Khuyen both got up and procured two extra chairs while Trinity and Hannah introduced themselves. Will patted the spot next to him on the couch, giving Eliza a warm smile. “There’s room here, too.”
“Thanks,” Eliza said.
Will put out his hand. “No problem. Will Langford.”
Andi shook his hand first and then Eliza did as well. Beckham noticed that Will’s handshake lasted longer with Eliza than was polite and the smile on his face had a spark to it. Beckham knew that look. He groaned inwardly.Fantastic.Will, the super-successful lawyer, was interested in Eliza. Of course he was. She was beautiful. But Eliza didn’t seem to mind the warm welcome either. And why would she? Will would be the perfect kind of guy for what Eliza was looking for—tiger onesie notwithstanding. Will was brilliant, in his thirties, and probably capable of settling down without feeling like a trapped animal.
Beckham forced himself to take the chair Khuyen had vacated instead of blatantly placing himself next to Will on the couch. Eliza took the spot next to Will, and Andi sat on the other side of her.
There. Beckham had done the right thing. The friend thing. He was her wingman tonight, not her date.
Of course he was now sitting right across from her and would have a front-row seat to watch her and Will flirt. This movie would not be fun to watch.
Why had he agreed to do this again?
He was supposed to be helping her find quality dates. Will would be exactly that. Beckham could prove he was right. Helovedbeing right.
So why did this feel so goddamned wrong?