Hollyn laughed. “I love that so hard.”

“Me too.” Andi lifted her hand and drew a circle in the air around Eliza’s face. “And this. How you look right now? I haven’t seen that in months. So whatever burst of inspiration this is, from one writer to another, I say chase it. I have no doubt your book will be brilliant.”

“Bestseller for sure,” Hollyn agreed.

Eliza let out a breath, love for her friends filling her. “Y’all are the best. You know that right? My kick-ass lady soul-mates.”

“Back at ya.” Hollyn reached out and squeezed Eliza’s knee.

“Same, girl, same. But…” Andi lifted her icing-covered finger. “Just one quick question…”

Eliza pulled her ponytail tighter, ready to leap out of her chair and get started. “Yeah?”

Andi tilted her head like a confused puppy. “You have any idea how to do that?”

Eliza frowned. “What?”

Andi wrinkled her nose like she didn’t want to say it. “Um, find love without the internet?”

Eliza let out a long breath and looked down at her phone, which was sitting on her lap like a sleeping tiger. She picked it up to unlock it and then found the bright-magenta app. After a brief moment of hesitation, she opened it and changed her account status to inactive. She long-pressed the familiar little square with her thumb, and when it started to wiggle, she dumped the Aligned dating app into a folder she never opened. She looked up at Andi. “Not a freaking clue.”

Andi laughed. “Welp, guess you’ve got your research cut out for you. But I believe in you!”

Hollyn lifted her fists in the air. “Go, Team Eliza!”

“Thank you. I love y’all. And yes, lots of research to do.” She glanced toward the door. “But I have to see what I can do in the meantime to minimize the impact of this on my business. A book will take time to write. I need to keep my clients. Bills need to be paid.”

“Do you have any ideas on how to do that?” Hollyn asked.

“Not yet, but I think I know someone who might be able to help,” she said, hoping that was true.

“Okay,” Andi said. “Figure out how to keep the clients. Then…world domination.”

“Yes.” Eliza got up and hugged each of her friends, giving them an extra tight squeeze. “Thanks for listening and for the cinnamon rolls.”

“Of course.” Hollyn reached for another cinnamon roll and wrapped it in a napkin. She handed it to Eliza. “For later.”

“And I’m on my way out to buy an ice pick.” Andi made stabbing motions with her hand. “Right to the balls.”

Eliza smirked and grabbed her coffee. “Let’s put a pin in the murder plot for now.”

Andi stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. “Y’all never let me have any fun.”