Caption: Congratulations to two of my favorite people, author Andi Lockley and chef Hill Dawson! Their wedding registry was the best I’ve ever seen. We each were asked to bring one book recommendation we thought Andi would love and one recipe we thought Hill should try.


Photo of Eliza, Beckham, Will, Khuyen, Trinity, and Hannah waving from a Mardi Gras float while wearing jester hats and gold eye masks.

Caption: #FlashbackFriday A NoPho party is the best kind of party but sometimes pics are nice. Flashback to that time we had the best Mardi Gras float ever and the worst costumes. Life tip: Never wear a hat with bells on it. My ears are still ringing.


Photo of tiny baby socks

Caption: I’m not a mom, but seeing all these itty-bitty adorable things at my friend Hollyn’s baby shower (y’all know her as Miz Poppy) is making my uterus quiver. I mean…the socks, y’all.


Selfie of Eliza and Beckham on their couch. Mabel the dog is half in frame licking Eliza’s face. A black cat paw is visible in the top right corner of the frame as if batting at the camera.

Caption: When you try to take a selfie with your dude to celebrate moving in together and the kids get jealous.

One Year Later

Items in Beckham’s backpack

1. An early review copy ofDating It, Hating Itsigned by the author

2. A receipt for his final exit-counseling therapy session

3. A contract for the rights to his latest video game

4. A receipt from a sandwich shop where he and Eliza met up with Jess who was on her lunch break from her classes at the community college

5. A bottle of water

6. A chocolate chip LaraBar

7. Two plane tickets to Florida and the keys for his friend’s beach house tucked into an envelope labeled:You won the bet

8. A little black box with a big shiny ring

Dedication on the opening pages ofDating It Hating It

To Harry, thank you for understanding why I needed to share this story and for being my biggest cheerleader when the writing got hard. *spoiler alert* This story has a happy ending. Never mind, you know that. You were there. I love you.—Sally

Two Years Later

Eliza’s CVS receipt

Snickers Bar $0.99

Family-size bag of Lay’s potato chips $3.99

Purina One Cat Food $10.29

Pup-Peroni $4.99

Prenatal vitamins $24.99

Five Years Later