“Ugh,” Andi said. “He better take a seat. I’m the only one who gets free therapy from you.”

Eliza laughed. “Damn straight.”

“You’re braver than I am,” Hollyn said to Eliza. “Those dating apps and the whole scene would’ve sent me straight into social-anxiety meltdown mode. Like would I have had to put ‘has Tourette’s’ in my profile or something? God.” She shuddered. “Jasper almost had to literally fall into my lap for what happened to have happened with us. And it still almost didn’t work out.”

Andi smiled, remembering how adorable Hollyn and Jasper had been around each other in the beginning. They had both been clueless, but Andi had seen the sparks early. The memories gave her a little flutter of wistfulness.

“Sometimes I think I should take a break from the apps altogether,” Eliza said. “Go old school. But I work so much, and I don’t live in a romantic comedy. Mr. Wonderful is not going to randomly show up on my doorstep.” She grabbed more popcorn. “I don’t even need someone to love. Just someone to make out with would be nice.” She got a dreamy look on her face. “I wonder what Paul Rudd is doing these days…”

Andi snorted. “Mrs. Rudd, I imagine.”

“So does this mean we’re watchingClueless?” Hollyn asked.

Andi flicked her hand toward the TV. “Eliza’s choice.”

“Yassss.” Eliza pumped her fist in victory. “It really should be a rule that the lady not getting exceptionally laid gets to pick the movie. I need all the fantasy fodder I can get.”

Andi frowned Eliza’s way, even though her friend’s tone had been joking. She’d been around Eliza long enough to hear the glimmer of sadness behind the words. Eliza was lonelier than she was letting on.

All this time Andi had thought she was the one who was most screwed up about relationships, but avoiding them was one thing. Wanting one and not being able to get one was another. Both had their own kind of pain attached.

“Hey,” she said before Eliza could hit Play.

Eliza turned her head. “Yeah?”

“Next Saturday, Hill’s old fire station is having a charity event. A bachelor auction.”

Eliza’s dark eyebrows arched. “Like with firefighters?”

Andi smiled. “Yep. I’m going so that I can bid on Hill, but why don’t you come with us? Maybe you’ll see someone who will inspire a charitable donation.”

She laughed. “So paying for a date? Is that what it’s come to?”

“For a good cause. And you get a firefighter to hang out with. Plus, there will be karaoke. And free drinks.”

Eliza’s eyes lit with interest. “This is sounding better and better. I’m in.” She put her hand over her heart. “Because I’m a super-charitable person.”

Andi nodded emphatically. “Of course. It’s for the children.” She bumped her shoulder into Hollyn’s. “You and Jasper should come, too. No bidding on single firefighters, but I bet Jasper would have fun with karaoke.”

Hollyn smiled. “Sure. Sounds fun. I’ll ask him.”

“Sweet.” Andi settled back against the couch. “Now, bring on the completely inappropriate love story with the awesome clothes.”