He glanced away. “Andi, you don’t need to—”

“No, I want you to really hear me.” She slid her fingertips over the scars on his abdomen, tracing the raised skin there. “When I look at you, I see strength and bravery.” Her hand tracked lower, wrapping around his cock and making him forget everything else for a second. “I see a man.” Her hand moved down to his thigh, making its way over the sock that protected his limb below his knee to where his prosthesis connected. “I see a superhero who risked his own life to help others. Who literally gave up part of his body for it.” She braced her hands back on his thighs. “And I think you’re sexy as fuck.”

He released a breath and cupped her face. “Thank you.”

Her mouth tipped up at one corner. “You may want to hold that thanks for later. I’m about to do more than compliment you.” She glanced down pointedly and then back up to him, heat in her eyes. “Show me what you like.”

His stomach muscles flexed in anticipation as Andi lowered her head, hovering above his cock. He didn’t want to blink, afraid to miss one second of this beautiful woman giving him pleasure. “It’s hard to mess this up. Touch me wherever you want,” he said, his voice a croak in his throat. “While you use your mouth. Don’t do anything you’re not into.”

She gripped the base of his cock with her hand, her breath hot on the damp head, and smiled. “That, I can guarantee you.”

The words were exactly what he needed to hear. He got off knowing his partner was enjoying herself, that she wanted to be doing what she was doing because it gave her pleasure, too. He damn sure had enjoyed going down on her.

Hill watched as Andi’s lips closed over the head of his cock, the warmth of her mouth and tongue nearly making him cry out. It’d been so long. So. Long. Since a woman had touched him like this, tasted him, and the fact that it was Andi made it all the more intense. Her trust in him was the ultimate aphrodisiac. He threaded his hands in her hair, the soft red strands cascading over his knuckles, and he watched her.

She was taking her time, sucking him slowly, using the tip of her tongue to tease the crown, driving him out of his mind, and just when he’d get on the edge of orgasm and his grip on her hair would tighten, she’d back off. She pulled away briefly, sending him a wicked look, and then she dipped down and ran her tongue along his balls.

“Fuck,” he groaned, his belly dipping as he tried to maintain control. “I’m not sure you needed instruction. You’re going to kill me.”

She laughed softly and peeked up at him. “I don’t have a lot of experience with this, but I reada lotof dirty books. A single girl can’t survive by vibrator alone.”

He smiled. “God bless dirty books.”

“Amen. Hallelujah,” she said right before taking him into her mouth again and making his eyes roll back in his head.

He couldn’t hold himself up anymore. He fell back onto his elbows and closed his eyes, the wet heat of Andi’s mouth putting him into some trancelike state. But when she cupped his balls and took him deep to the back of her throat, he nearly levitated off the bed. He reached out, cradling her face, and easing back. “On the bed, Andi.”

She sat back on her calves, lips slick and eyes a little dazed. He liked that look, like she was blissed out, too. He reached for her, helping her to her feet. Goddamn she looked like a fantasy—hair mussed, beautifully naked, skin flushed. How the hell had he gotten so lucky? The sweet, funny woman who’d baked him brownies, the one he’d try to scare off with rudeness, had just given him the blow job of his life and now was going to be in his bed.

He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this moment, but he wasn’t going to question the universe and his good fortune right now.

He stood, pulling Andi against him and kissing her, their bodies pressed together skin to skin, and then he guided her down on the bed. She stretched out against his pillows, her hair fanning out, and her gaze tracked over him with hungry heat. He sat on the edge of the bed and reached down to remove his prosthesis. He didn’t want anything in the way with Andi.

He made quick work of it, leaving the sock on that covered his residual limb, and set his prosthesis next to the bed. He pulled open the bedside table’s drawer, grabbed a condom, checked the expiration date, and set it on top of the comforter. When he turned his body back toward Andi, she was watching him, biting her lower lip. He reached out and brushed her hair away from her face. “Still with me?”

She gave him a soft smile. “You better not leave me hanging this time.”

He laughed. “Promise.”


Andi’s skin was burning up. She was so turned on, she was afraid spontaneous human combustion might actually be a thing, but seeing the condom also made this feel very real. She was going to sleep with Hill, have sex with her neighbor.

Yes, they were only friends. No, this was nothing serious. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t a monumental thing for her. The last time she’d tried to have sex with someone, she’d panicked the minute the guy had rolled on the condom. Flashbacks had hit her hard and fast, yanking her into the past and killing every ounce of sexual interest she’d had.

This felt different than that time. She felt safe with Hill. Present in a way she hadn’t before.

Hill shifted closer. She could feel him watching her, gauging her mood. Honesty. She needed to be honest. She reached out and squeezed his bicep. “I’m getting in my head.”

He nodded, expression serious. “Need to stop?”

“No. I want this. I just…” She didn’t know how to articulate it.

He scooted closer and put his hand on her hip. He traced a finger right above her pubic bone, making her inner muscles clench. “How about this? You let me make you feel good. If you want to stop after that, the lube you suspect I have will make an appearance, and I’ll take care of myself with my hand. There is no pressure to have sex tonight.”

The thought of him stroking himself next to her wasn’t exactly a deterrent. That sounded hella hot, but she also ached for the full experience, feeling him inside her, getting past this hurdle. She didn’t want to back out. But she also knew that sometimes her anxiety won despite her best intentions. This would give her an out. The fact that Hill intuitively knew how to give her an option that wouldn’t make the night feel like a failure if she had to tap the brakes made her want to kiss him again.

“That sounds perfect,” she said, putting her hand over his and guiding it lower, dragging his fingertips over the hot, wet part of her.