“Yeah, teaching people to cook. Lord knows a lot of people are in need of it.” She gave him an up-and-down look. “Plus, you’d look damn good in an apron. People would watch you.”

He scoffed. “No, they wouldn’t. I’m not a chef. The TV and internet are full of professionals showing people how to cook. I’m just some dude who used to cook for his fellow firefighters.”

“But that’s what makes you perfect. You’re self-taught. You break it down for people like me because you used to be someone like me. And you make down-to-earth food.”

He gave her a skeptical look. “Thanks for the suggestion. But how about I stick to teaching you for now?”

She narrowed her eyes, an idea coming to her, but she tucked it away in the For Later Consideration folder in her brain. “Fine. I will accept my own private chef lessonsfor now.” She tucked her knees beneath her. “But give it some thought. Life’s too short not to do the things that make us happy. If cooking makes you happy, you should do that.”

He propped his elbow on the back of the couch, leaning his head against his fist and looking at her. “How about right now I teach you how to make the perfect hot fudge sundae?”

“An orgasmandice cream? This night keeps getting better.” She climbed off the couch and put her hand out to him. “Hell yes. You are definitely the best research buddy ever.”

He put his hand in hers and let her pull him to a stand. “I try.”

A rush of warmth went through her. Hill did more than try. Helistened. He hadn’t pushed or rushed her. He hadn’t cajoled. But more than that, he hadn’t made her feel wrong or broken for being the way she was. He’d simply been with her in that moment, meeting her where she was and seeming to enjoy what they were doing as much as she did.

That didn’t feel liketrying. That felt special.

And dangerous.

This was a guy getting over a bad breakup and a catastrophic injury. He wasn’t here for anything more than a friendship and some physical connection. He’d told her as much. She needed to remember that.

She needed to be careful with this one.

More than that, she needed to be careful with herself.