They had plans. He already felt buoyed. “Tell me what I can bring.”

“An open mind and your drink of choice.” Something squeaked on her end, and he pictured her rocking in her desk chair. “Do you like pad thai? I can pick up some takeout on my way home, my treat.”

“How about I make some and bring it over?”

“Really? You know how to make that?” she asked, sounding impressed.

“Yeah, I used to make it sometimes at the firehouse. It’s quick if you’ve got the ingredients. Are you pro-tofu or anti-tofu? Because I can make it vegetarian or with chicken.”

“Vegetarian sounds great. Thanks.” She paused. “And I’m glad I’m not a betting woman because I would’ve lost this bet.”

He picked up his unused fork and twirled it between his fingers. “What bet?”

“I would’ve bet the farm that you were going to back out on our movie project. So, this is a nice surprise.”

Hehadalmost backed out. He didn’t trust himself around Andi. She made him want things he’d taken off his list of options. But right now, he didn’t want to think that hard about it. He’d been overthinking his whole life since the day of the accident—maybe even before that. Tonight, he wanted a break from it all. Good movie. Good food. And a pretty woman who made him smile.

“I’m glad the invitation still stands,” he said.

“I’ll double-check it’s not a full moon,” she teased. “Don’t want to get bitten.”

He laughed, but the words conjured images hedefinitelydidn’t need to be picturing sitting in a restaurant. His mouth on Andi’s creamy smooth skin. His teeth grazing her neck. Her red-glossed lips wrapped around his… He shoved the images from his brain, searching for something to say. “Waxing crescent tonight. You’re safe.”

“Phew,” she said with a dramatic flourish. “Wait, should I be concerned that you know the moon stage? Who knows that off the top of their head?”


“Werewolves, that’s who,” she declared.

He chuckled. “I was only guessing. I have no idea what the moon phase is tonight.”

“Uh-huh. Don’t think I’m not going to google it now.” He heard typing on her end. “All right, we’re good. It’s a new moon—the moon of new beginnings—so it’s perfect for our inaugural movie night.”

New beginnings.That sounded nice, even if he’d learned new beginnings were impossible. Life didn’t really give you redos. The past didn’t get undone. Like when he’d moved in with his aunt and uncle, his life had improved dramatically, but living in a new place with a new family didn’t erase the marks his old life had left on him. “Sounds great. I’ll see you tonight.”

“I can’t wait to eat food that doesn’t come from a takeout container or a can,” Andi said, sounding genuinely excited. “Later, neighbor.”

Andi’s enthusiasm was catching. Hill hung up the phone with a dumb grin on his face and turned back to the book, forgetting all about the exchange with Christina.

On his way out of the restaurant, he texted Ramsey.

Hill:I’m having movie night with the neighbor.

Ramsey responded within seconds with a GIF of Will Ferrell yelling “Awesome!” and punching boxes in the grocery aisle. Followed by:

Ramsey:Inertia plan activated. Bring condoms.

Hill:This is a just-friends movie night.

Ramsey:Buzzkill. But good luck, brother.

Hill sent a GIF of a fist bump. He had no idea what to expect tonight, but he knew he definitely wouldn’t need condoms. Either way, he already felt better. Maybe Ramsey’s inertia theory was more accurate than Hill had given him credit for.

He’d never tell him that, though. The guy’s ego was big enough.


Andi pondered her closet and shook out her arms, nerves making everything tingly. She’d been shocked to hear Hill’s rumbly voice in her ear when she picked up her phone this afternoon. She’d gotten the sense he’d been avoiding her since the night he stayed over, but today on the call, he’d sounded downright eager to get together. She wasn’t sure what to think about the change.