He shook his head, taking a step back. “No, they’re your flowers. I don’t need any. The shrubs are fine.”

The bright openness that had been on Andi’s face during their entire conversation shut down. A little frown line had appeared between her brows. “Okay. No problem.”

He stared at her for a moment and took a breath, reeling himself in. “Sorry. Thanks for the offer. I…I don’t need flowers.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. “Got it.”

He jutted a thumb toward the house. “I’ve got to go.”

“Sure. See ya.”

He turned his back to her and headed toward the house, hating that he had to take the few steps over the uneven ground that led to the porch slowly. Hating that his pretty neighbor already saw him as a guy who needed her pity. As charity, not a man.


Andi watched as Hill made his way into the house, his prosthesis giving him an unusual but determined gait. She’d been shocked to see it when he’d gotten out of the car. She’d made sure not to stare, but then she’d stuck her proverbial foot in her mouth anyway. She’d offended him.Way to go, Ms. Helpful.

And things had been going so well. They’d had actual conversation. He’d looked embarrassed about his lie. Normally, lying would be an instant you’re-dead-to-me offense, but the look of sadness that had crossed his face when he’d said hewasa firefighter had hit her right in the gut. He hadn’t lied as a manipulation. He’d lied because he wished it were true. She’d wanted to ask more. She’d wanted to know his story. But they weren’t friends yet and that wasn’t her place.

Now they may never be.

She’d said the wrong thing. Now it would be weird between her and Hill unless she fixed it. She pulled off her gardening gloves and stared at his door as he shut it behind him, an idea coming to her.

Hmm. Maybe.