She flipped onto her back with a frustrated sound and stared at the ceiling. “If I revealed my identity that way, the NOLA Vibe couldn’t take it.”
Jasper shifted. “Hmm?”
She watched the ceiling fan turn slowly, her thoughts going in circles along with it. “I’ve been thinking about the practice videos we’ve been doing. I watched a few over the last few days. I can see that I’ve improved, but I’m still…me. I have this fear that when I submit them to my boss, he’s going to see my tics and my awkwardness or whatever and just decide to let me go. He can take the Miz Poppy name and hire someone else to use it.”
“Which is bullshit,” Jasper said, tone edged with disgust.
“Right.” She turned to look at him. “But what if I steal that opportunity away?”
“If I do a live reveal at your show, IamMiz Poppy. I claim the name publicly. People will see my face—in all its ticcing glory probably. But then if the site replaces me, people will know it’s a replacement. It will make the staff look like jerks. Because people will know I’ve been let go because of the Tourette’s.”
Jasper’s mouth curved into a wicked smile. “And at worst, you’d be able to keep the moniker you made popular.”
“Yep. At best, I keep my job.”
“Diabolical.” He leaned over and kissed her. “But you realize this means you’d actually have to be live onstage—which you just said there was no way you were doing.”
A ripple of nervous energy went through her and she sat up, pulling the covers with her and leaning against the headboard. Jasper followed her. She looked over at him. “Would you be with me onstage?”
Jasper searched her face. “If you needed me to be. I could also give you roles in the improv games that were easy parts. There are some games where one person can read off of note cards and the rest of the actors improv around you. There’s one where the guest just makes sound effects for the actors. There’s another where you tell facts about yourself and someone makes up a song or a skit based on them. You would just be a catalyst.”
Her mouth was dry and her hands clammy. She was probably insane for considering this. “What if I panic and ruin your show for the investors?”
“If I couldn’t deal with someone freezing up onstage, I’d never have made it in improv. If you freeze, I’ll make up a story about why. If you run offstage, I’ll make a joke about why you bolted from me. I’d have your back. The whole group would.”
Of that, she had no doubt. Jasper wouldn’t let her drown onstage. He would take care of her. She’d seen him do it with his fellow actors in the show. They all supported each other. TheYes, andthing was real.
“Okay,” she said, fear and determination braiding together within her. “If you swear that you’ll be right by my side and ready to bail me out if I mess up, I’ll do it.”
Jasper turned fully to her, the blankets falling to his waist, and his eyes wide. “Are you serious?”
She rolled her lips together and nodded. “Knowing you’ll have my back makes me feel like maybe I can actually pull it off. I’ll post the news on the site in the morning.”
Jasper cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers. “You have no idea how much this means to me. I can’t even… Thank you.”
She gave him a shaky smile. “Don’t thank me yet. I may scare off those investors.”
“Not a chance.” He grabbed her around the waist and rolled her on top of him. “They’re going to love you.”
“Believe me. It’s an easy thing to do.” He pulled her down to him and kissed her again.
Back at you, Jasper Deares. Back at you.
She couldn’t say the words to him yet. But she felt them down to her bones.
She loved this man.
She hoped she didn’t let him down.