But before he answered, she was spun away from Cal and ended up in Jasper’s arms. His dark hair was damp against his forehead, his eyes bright behind his glasses, and his T-shirt was clinging to every muscle in his chest. Something deep in her belly coiled tight. She had the urge to literally sink her teeth into him.

He squeezed her hips and rocked against her. “You look beautiful right now.”

“I’m a sweaty mess,” she said on a laugh. “And possibly super drunk.”

He pressed his lips against her ear. “You’re fucking sexy is what you are. It’s taking everything I have to keep my hands off you. I wish I could take you home right this second and get you out of this dress. But I don’t think your company would appreciate that.”

“God, you’re hot,” she blurted out, her head spinning.

He grinned that confident grin of his. “Back at you, sunshine. You’re a fun drunk.”

She wet her lips, a hunger for exactly what Jasper was suggesting stirring in her. “Maybe I can offer Cal some earplugs.”

Jasper glanced over her shoulder to where Cal had to be a few steps behind her. “He would absolutely hate that. Knowing I was in bed with you.”

She stumbled and then looped her arms around his neck to keep steady. “He’s a big boy.”

Jasper’s gaze went serious and he leaned close. “It’s not that. Don’t you see it?”

The words were running into each other in her head. She saw him. She saw blurring lights. “See what?”

“How he’s looking at you.”

She frowned, the words not making sense, and looked in his eyes, but Jasper’s face went a little hazy and her knees wobbled. “I—”

“Whoa there,” Jasper said, wrapping an arm around her waist.

“Jasper, I…” But she couldn’t find what she wanted to say. The room flipped over in her vision and she closed her eyes. Her stomach pitched.

She heard Jasper call her name.

Then her mind went black.