Jasper looked down, hiding his laugh as he stepped away from the lights. The idea of Fitz having some detailed productivity system was amusing, but more entertaining was Emily’s paper-thin story. Ms. Put Together was blushing to her roots. “Well, I can get you an introduction if you want. I don’t know his schedule, but I bet he can make some time for you.”

She lifted up on her toes like an excited kid. “Really?”

“Of course.” He went to the camera and checked the view.Perfect.He turned back to Emily to thank her for her help, but she surprised him by throwing her arms around him in a hug.

“Thank you so much,” she said, giving him a squeeze.

A little startled by the normally formal Emily being so effusive, he awkwardly patted her on the back. “No problem.”

“Oh, um, hey,” a familiar voice said. “I–I can come back.”

Jasper looked over to the doorway, his arm still loosely around Emily, and found Hollyn staring at them, a frown on her face, her cheek twitching.

“No, you’re right on time,” Jasper said.

Emily released him immediately and gave him a chagrined smile. “Sorry. I’ll… I’m going to go. Just let me know. Do you need my number?”

Hollyn looked off to the side, her hands clasping her elbows tight. “Really, I can—”

Oh, hell no.That resignation in her voice wouldn’t do. Jasper stepped around Emily to get to Hollyn. He reached up, cupped her chin to turn her face toward him, and planted a quick kiss on her lips. “Hey, gorgeous. Just give me a sec.”

She blinked up at him in shock, and he turned back to Emily, whose eyebrows had disappeared beneath her bangs. “Just bring me a business card the next time you get coffee. I’ll pass it along.”

Emily gave a little nod, her curious gaze darting between him and Hollyn. “Great.”

Jasper smiled. “Thanks again for your help.”

“Anytime.” Emily moved toward the door, offering Hollyn a conspiratorial smile. “Good luck with the project. I’ll put theOccupiedsign on the door.”

Hollyn’s nose wrinkled and she grimaced, her tics making her look annoyed. “Thanks.”

Emily slipped out of the room, letting the door shut behind her. Hollyn’s cheeks were pink when she turned back to him. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“You didn’t,” he said, reaching past her to lock the door. “Emily was helping me set up the camera.”

“Sure,” she said, sounding skeptical. “That’s…nice of her.”

“She is nice—in this sort of blunt, take-charge kind of way,” he said. “Though I don’t know if it was totally altruistic this time. I think she’s got a thing for Fitz. Wanted me to set up an intro.”

Hollyn’s attention flicked upward, finally letting him see her eyes. “Oh. Fitz.”

“Yeah.” His lips curved, a wash of pleasure going through him at Hollyn’s obvious relief. “What? You thought she was hitting on me?”

Her cheek twitched. “I—”

“Emily’s nice, but I can assure you that Ms. To-Do List would want nothing to do with someone like me—unless she was going through a rebellious phase.” He shrugged. “Fitz the CEO is much more her type.”

Hollyn tilted her head. “You disappointed by that?”

Her line of questioning surprised him. Did she really think he was interested in Emily? He’d wanted nothing else but to kissHollynwhen she’d walked in the room wearing a navy-blue wrap dress that looked like it’d come off with one tug on the knotted belt holding it together. “Nah, we can’t all be successful CEOs. There have to be some guys around to provide women with the opportunity to make bad decisions and have morning-after regrets. Or to have improv dating lessons with.”

She shook her head and then rubbed the spot between her brows. “I’m sorry. This is a weird situation. I didn’t mean to act like the jealous girlfriend or whatever. You can like who you want to like. Obviously.”

“Good. Because I like you. But it is cute that you got jealous.” He put his hand to his chest. “I feel so special.”

She gave him a petulant look. “Don’t be a dick, Deares.”

He laughed and pulled her against him, relishing the soft feel of her. He loved that he could do that now—touch her, be in her space. Improv dating was like eating candy without the calories. They could have fun without all the serious shit. “I’m this close”—he pressed his thumb and forefinger together—“to getting the beautiful and talented Miz Poppy into my bed. Why would I waste my time flirting with other women?”