“The doc will be making rounds in the next hour or so.” The nurse marked something on an electronic tablet he’d brought in. “We can’t discharge him until he shows that he can keep liquid down and urinate, so if he wakes up, there’s ice water in this pitcher.”

Hollyn cringed on Jasper’s behalf. She’d known him for only a couple of days and someone was discussing his urination with her. She couldn’t imagine he’d appreciate that. “Right.”

The nurse plunked the plastic pitcher onto the side table. “I have to check on a few more patients, but why don’t you try to talk to him and wake him gently? Then, if he’s up to it, get him to eat some ice chips or sip some water. I’ll check back in with you in a little while.”

Hollyn froze. “Wait, you want me—”

But the nurse had already strode back into the hall, too busy to worry about Hollyn and her awkwardness. She stared at the closing door and then swung her attention back to Jasper. His chest was rising and falling with steady breaths. In the thin hospital gown and in slumber, he looked a lot less intimidating, but her heart was beating fast at the thought of waking him up and explaining the situation to him.

You had surgery.

I’m here because…because you left your phone? Because I couldn’t leave you alone? Because I totally ignore personal privacy and have been creepily hanging out in your room like a stalker? Ugh.

And not only was she supposed to wake him up, but she was supposed to talk to him aboutpeeing?

Just kill her now and be done with it.

With a groan, she pushed herself to her feet, her fingers doing her four count. She cleared her throat and stepped closer. “Um, Jasper?”

His eyelids didn’t move.

She wet her lips. God, she didn’t want to do this. She’d rather him not know she’d been there at all. She glanced back to the chair. Her purse was on the floor with Jasper’s phone sitting on top of it. She’d tried to get to his contacts last night, but the phone was locked. She needed his code or… She looked back to Jasper and the hand that didn’t have an IV sticking out of it.

A jolt of relief went through her. If she could get his thumb on his phone to get the fingerprint signature, she was home free. She hurried over to grab his phone and then went back to the side of the bed. She peeked at his face one more time, making sure he was still sleeping soundly, and then turned her back to him, gingerly grabbing his wrist and lifting his hand. His hand was warm and rough against hers, his long fingers gently curled. She put the phone on the bed and then tried to guide his thumb to the button to get it to read his fingerprint. If she could get to his contact list, she could call someone to come to the hospital for him.

She lowered his hand toward the phone but the angle was wrong, his thumb curling in a little too much. Gently, she shifted her hold and gripped just his thumb, trying to turn it.

“So you really are CIA, or are you just trying to steal my bank-account information?”

Hollyn startled and dropped Jasper’s hand. She turned, finding him with a groggy smirk.

“I hate to break it to you, but the bank account would be disappointing,” he said, his voice Marlon Brando hoarse. “I’ve moved all my millions to an offshore account.”

Hollyn’s heartbeat was a hummingbird trapped in her throat. “You’re awake.”

“I think so.” He tried to sit up a little and hissed, the pain apparently catching him off guard. He collapsed back against the pillows. “Unless this is another dream. Are you going to morph into a chimpanzee?”

Her facial muscles were ticcing. Even if she hadn’t felt the familiar tug, she could see him studying her expressions. She looked down at the blanket. “I was trying to unlock your phone to see who I could call for you. They may be able to discharge you soon.”


She nodded. “Yeah, as soon as you…”

The hospital bed squeaked as he tried to move again. “Do cartwheels? Headstands? Long division? Because I feel totally ready for that.”

She cleared her throat again. “No. More like drink something and you know…”

She made some ridiculous motion with her hand.

“Ah,” he said with a low chuckle. “I’ve got to piss in a cup.”


“Fantastic. Performing under pressure,” he said. “I guess I better try to drink something so I’m prepared for the big moment. I want a ten out of ten on this event.”

Her head lifted, her gaze darting to him.

“What?” he asked.