I strode into the other bedroom. It didn’t have a view of the Eiffel Tower like the living room, only at the facade of the houses across the street but I still loved the room for its chic coziness.

Then something registered on me. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“In Europe, en suite bathrooms aren’t common, especially in older buildings. There’s only one shared bathroom.”

Santino would hate it, and I wasn’t quite sure I enjoyed the shared toilet situation. Santino and I weren’t at a point in our relationship where I wanted him to know I had any kind of body functions. Yet, the shared bathroom offered many opportunities for “accidental” nudity.

The idea of catching Santino under the shower was definitely pleasant.

Mom and I would share my queen-sized bed for the week that she was going to be in Paris. I still had three weeks before the first introductory courses would begin, which was perfect to get acclimated and get used to speaking French. My practical skills were a bit rusty.

I thoroughly enjoyed the days with Mom. Since Bea had been born, I’d very rarely had her completely to myself, so going shopping on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées together and sightseeing every beautiful corner of Paris proved to be a wonderful experience. Santino managed to fade into the background, giving us space while keeping a close eye on us, and I really appreciated his ability to gift us with a feeling of normalcy.

I felt already freer than I ever had in Chicago. In Paris, nobody knew us and with Santino’s discreet way of watching us, nobody even knew we were guarded.

On our last evening together before Mom would return to Chicago, she and I leaned against the headboard of my bed, talking for a long time. I rested my head on her shoulder, soaking in her comforting scent. “Do you ever miss the days when you were younger and not a Capo’s wife? Everyone’s attention is always on you.”

Mom didn’t answer right away. “Even before I married your dad, I was being judged and had a certain level of attention on myself due to my backstory. But of course, being a Cavallaro multiplies the pressure. I suppose for me what helped braving the pressure of the outside world was your father’s support. I knew he had my back and in private I could be myself, without the pressure of expectations. Our family gave me the necessary cushion to fall on.”

I nodded because that’s how I felt about our family as well. “I hope Clifford will have my back.”

Mom took my hand. “Once he’ll get to know you better, he will. He’ll realize how wonderful you are, how could he not?”

I laughed. “I think you’re biased.”

“I want you to be happy, Anna. Your dad and I chose Clifford because we think he could give you the kind of life you desire.”

“If I was promised to a Made Man, I couldn’t have studied in Paris, so you’ve made the right choice.”

For now, being engaged to Clifford gave me more freedom than I’d ever dared to dream of. Whatever happened after I married Clifford… I would handle it then.

I couldn’t sleep, so I settled on the balcony despite the cold.

Tomorrow Valentina would fly back home and leave me alone with Anna. The last few days in Paris and even before that, in the weeks leading up to our trip, Anna had kept her distance and been civilly polite. I didn’t trust her sudden reserve.

The moment Valentina was gone, Anna would attack. I could practically smell her eagerness to push my buttons.

The floorboards groaned under quiet steps. I was surprised when Valentina settled on the chair beside me, wrapped in a thick woolen coat and still shivering.

“I see you can’t sleep either,” she said pleasantly, but I didn’t miss the underlying tension. She had come out with a purpose in mind. “Before I’m returning home tomorrow, I’d like to have a word with you.”

I leaned back with a sardonic smile. “Your husband already gave me a very impressive warning before we left for Paris.”

“I’m sure he did, but I’m also sure that Dante, as most fathers, doesn’t notice the little details like mothers do.”

I waited expectantly. I doubted Anna shared any of her excessive flirting or blackmailing with her mother. Anna was too clever for that and even if she trusted her mother, she wouldn’t risk Paris for that.

“Ten years become less and less relevant over time. Anna is of age. That’s a fact that definitely will have changed things, not just in her mind but also in yours.”

“Being of age isn’t the main deterrence in our world. Anna is my Capo’s daughter, that’s what really matters.”

“Maybe. But you’re also far from home and Anna knows this is her shot at freedom. You’re the easiest option for her.”

Ouch. That was one way to look at it, and probably not far from the truth. Anna wanted fun without the risk of losing her good girl reputation. With me, she wouldn’t have to worry about word getting out. I’d chew my own dick off before spreading the news that I was banging her. “I have to say, I’m surprised you’re so invested in making sure Anna doesn’t enjoy herself too much in Paris. I thought you were one of the strongest supporters of allowing girls to not be virgins until their wedding.”