I hurried out into the night and headed around the building, ducking when I passed Dante’s office. The moment I arrived under Anna’s window, my fury had rekindled. I couldn’t believe she’d stolen my phone and stuffed her damn panties into my pocket.

I used a chair to reach the banisters of the balcony then pulled myself up. Unfortunately, this wasn’t Anna’s room but Leonas so I still had to climb awkwardly to the next window. Luckily it was open. Anna always let air in before she went to bed. With a lunge, I swung myself onto the windowsill.

Luisa let out a shriek, jerking the blankets up to cover herself. I cocked an eyebrow. She’d been in her nightgown, not naked. No need for such a fuss.

Anna whirled around, body tense but immediately relaxed upon spotting me and a sly smile spread on her face. Not the reaction I wanted. Of course, she made absolutely no move to hide any part of her scantily covered body. She was in some kind of silky hot pants with lace and a chemise with a plunging neckline. She sauntered over to me and I regretted not waiting until the morning to confront her because of my cell.

She leaned against the wall beside the window. The cool air had an immediate effect on her body and I had to force my eyes away.

“I didn’t peg you as the romantic type who’d climb up to the window of his beloved,” she said with a triumphant smile.

“Where is it?” I growled, jumping into the room.

Luisa still clutched the blankets in front of herself.

“Go into the bathroom. This is a private conversation.” I couldn’t stand the look of shock and embarrassment on her face. It reminded me how inappropriate Anna’s and my interactions had become.

Luisa glanced at Anna who nodded but never took her eyes off me as if I were a wild animal who wanted to attack her. Anna often made me feel like one too, and I didn’t like it one bit. Luisa hurried into the bathroom as if I’d come to maul her. If I mauled anyone, it would be Anna.

“Where is it?” I glared down at Anna.

“Where is what?”

I released a slow breath through my nose trying not to let the naughty sparkle in Anna’s blue eyes rile me up.

Rile me up even more.

“My fucking phone, Anna. Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.”

“Someone’s particularly grumpy today,” she said as she strode past me, her arm brushing mine—no doubt on purpose—and perched on the edge of her bed. “Didn’t dear Dolora help you release some pent-up tension?”

I didn’t want to be in a room with Anna dressed like that while she was anywhere near a bed. I was glad for the sound of the running water in the bathroom, reminding me of Luisa’s presence.

I felt a little unhinged today. A sensation that was becoming a constant problem around Anna lately, and she knew it. She could sniff these things out like a fucking bloodhound. Dad was right. I should tell Dante I couldn’t accompany Anna to Paris. But I had a feeling Anna would actually snitch on me after today, and part of me didn’t want to let Anna out of my sight. The latter worried me far more than becoming the center of Dante’s wrath if Anna told him about my adventures with married women.

I held out my hand. “Give me my phone or I’ll search every inch of your room for it, and I won’t be careful.”

Anna rolled her eyes, then flipped over onto her belly, presenting her perky ass to me and long lean legs seemingly going on forever despite her petite form, as she stretched out to reach for something under her pillow.

She rolled back on her back and held up my phone.

“Get up and give it to me.”

“You have to get it if you want it.”

Why did every word from her mouth sound dirty? My damn mind was playing tricks on me.

I needed to cut this madness short. I stalked toward her, glaring down at her as she sprawled on the bed. Her lips puckered in a coy smile. I reached for the phone but she let it drop over her head, out of reach.

I was done. I put one knee down on the bed and leaned over her to get the damn cell phone. The moment I was over her, she murmured, “I could get used to the sight of you above me like that.”

I narrowed my eyes, and in a moment of blackout, I bent down and pressed my mouth to her ear. “You couldn’t handle me, Anna. That’s why I choose older, married women, and not fumbling, sensitive virgins like you.”

When Anna winced, I knew my words had hit their mark. I straightened and pushed my phone back into my pocket.