He leveled his eyes on me and narrowed them. “There are more.”

I made an innocent face.

Santino pointed at the drawing at the top of the pile. “This isn’t as good and detailed as the drawing I saw today. That means you’ve made progress since then and because you’re such a little overachiever, you’ll keep your best drawings separately to admire them.”

I flushed and for the briefest moment, my gaze flitted to my nightstand. Santino staggered toward it and tried to open the drawer but it was locked. I didn’t want Leonas to get blackmailing material on me. Santino felt under the bed and then smirked. My mouth fell open when he pulled out the little key that I’d taped to the underside of my bed frame and opened the drawer.

“That’s private!” I hissed, but he’d already picked up a stack of fifteen drawings of him. The one at the top showed Santino holding hands with my adult self. I’d used a computer app to age me and then drawn myself beside Santino.

I really hoped he wouldn’t recognize me. The stare he gave me crushed my hope. “What’s this?”

I swallowed and shrugged.

“I know this is supposed to be you, Anna. I recognize you, not to mention the ridiculous checkered Chanel costume no one else under the age of seventy would wear.”

“Chanel is fashion, no matter the age,” I said indignantly.

“You won’t draw me ever again, understood? This is my last warning.”

He stalked out, not waiting for my reply.

Embarrassment still warmed my cheeks and I was on the verge of an angry cry when I realized something: Santino had paid enough attention to my drawings to notice the differences in my progress over the last few months.

A grin spread on my face.

“Anna?” Mom called and pushed the door that Santino had left ajar farther open, poking her head in.

“Can I have a word with you?”

I picked up on the tension around Mom’s mouth. She shared the same full lips with me, but now hers looked like a hard line. Had Santino snitched on me? I couldn’t imagine it. “Is anything wrong?”

“Oh no, sweetheart,” Mom said as she came in and sank down on the padded bench in the window frame.

I sank down beside her, wondering what this was about.

“With your thirteenth birthday coming up very soon, your dad and I thought now might be a good time to discuss your future with you.”

This didn’t come completely unexpected. As the Capo’s daughter, everyone was waiting with bated breath to whom I’d be promised. “Okay?”

“Your father and I have spent the last few months thinking about a possible bond. We didn’t want to rush things, especially because the boy we have in mind for you might come as unexpected.”

I’d heard rumors of me being married to someone from the Corsican Union to strengthen the Outfit, but I knew Dad. He’d never allow me to become part of another mafia family. He’d be too concerned about my safety. Dad wouldn’t even let me leave Chicago, even if that would limit my possible future husbands drastically. An Underboss’s son would never want to leave his city for me.

“You know Clifford Clark, don’t you?”

My mouth formed an O. He wasn’t someone I’d had in mind when marriage was concerned. “We play tennis together.” Together was a loose term in this case. He and I had never really played double or against each other, but we played in the same club, and on occasion, our tennis coach had created groups of his students to work on certain skills. A few times Clifford and I had been in the same group, but apart from a quick “hi” we’d never exchanged an actual conversation. He always had a pack of friends around him like an entourage.

“Your dad’s been working with his father. The cooperation is important for the Outfit and we’re trying to create a stronger bond between our families. Having connections to the political elite can be an advantage.”

I racked my brain for my latest memory of him. It had been several months ago. He and a few boys had sat on the bleachers while Luisa and I had played tennis. Clifford was tall and blond, kind of handsome. If only my hair were blond, all the people who begged for a golden couple would have a field day. I giggled, causing Mom to give me a look of puzzlement.

“I just thought that he’d be perfect to satisfy the golden couple enthusiasts. But Leonas would probably have to take my place.”

Mom laughed. “These golden couple rumors won’t ever stop.”

I knew many had wanted Dad to marry someone other than Mom exactly for that reason.

Mom put her hand over mine. “You’re taking it better than I thought you might.”

I raised my eyebrows. “I’m surprised, but I don’t see why I should be worried. Everyone has an arranged marriage.” Then I pursed my lips, wondering why Mom was worried. “Or do you think I won’t belong in the Outfit anymore if I marry an outsider?”