Off limits, I reminded myself, but my heart ignored my brain.

I motioned at Leonas that I’d head to the toilet and he pointed at his watch, which made me roll my eyes. It meant he’d come looking for me if I wasn’t back in five minutes. Whenever he was in charge of my protection, he became this bossy, uber-protective-wise guy.

This was a party of spoiled rich kids who cried already when a piece of bubble gum got stuck under their boots. In our world, you asked your brother to hand you his knife so you could scratch it off and he’d still use the blade to stab someone afterward. I could deal with any boy who dared to approach me. I’d make them cry into their fancy-pansy white-wine-bowl in no time.

“I’ll go looking for Santino,” I told Luisa. “Do you want to come with me?”

Luisa immediately shook her head. “I’d rather not get involved in a fight.”

“Who says we’re going to fight?”

Luisa gave me a look that said really?

I grinned. “We’re an explosive combination.” Then I glanced around. “Maybe you can head over to Leonas? I’d feel better if I didn’t leave you alone here.”

Luisa laughed. “I’m shy and not as outgoing as you, but I’ll be fine, Anna.”

I didn’t move.

She sighed with a small smile. “All right. I’ll head over to your brother.”

“I’ll be quick.”

I wiggled my fingers at Leonas and motioned at Luisa then moved outside. Seeing how many people danced in the yard or in the pool, I doubted Clifford had invited only two hundred people. The place was swarming with guests. Mom would kill me if I invited that many people to a wild party. I glanced toward the pool house, which was bathed in darkness. Clifford was clever enough to keep the party out of his own walls. That was the perfect place for Santino to chill, or do other things…

I hurried toward the glass door. The shutters were all closed so I couldn’t look inside. I pushed the handle down and was surprised to find it open. Why hadn’t Clifford locked it?

Or had Santino picked the lock? I really wouldn’t put it past him. The moment I stepped inside, I heard giggling. The asshole.

Had he really picked a girl to bang? Next time he told me I was too young, I’d give him a piece of my mind. As if a few months made such a big difference!

Another giggle rang out. It sounded absolutely wrong. I couldn’t pinpoint why exactly.

I followed the noise toward a door behind which I suspected the bedroom. By now the noise had turned into muffled groans and gasps, intermingling with awed “oh gods”.

I pushed open the bedroom door, trying to be quiet.

The first thing I saw was Mrs. Clark’s awestruck face. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted and she was sweaty. Her breasts jiggled in front of her and the neckline of her dress shoved down so it wrapped around her ribs. Her red throng dangled around her ankle as she kneeled doggy style on Clifford’s bed, the skirt of her dress pushed up on her back so her ass was propped up in front of none other than Santino.

She made a face as if the holy ghost had descended on her and she chanted oh god oh god, as if she’d arise to the gates of heaven any moment. Either Clark Senior was the worst lay ever, or Santino had a magic dick. Santino was mostly dressed, but his shirt was untugged and his pants were open as he pistoned into Mrs. Clark with the determination of a brand-new jackhammer.

In a spur-of-the-moment decision, I grabbed my phone and snapped a photo then quickly shoved it back into my purse.

I took a step back and the floorboards creaked. Santino’s eyes cut to me and he didn’t stop. Only made a motion with his hand that suggested I should get lost.

He did this to spite me. To punish me for forcing him to come to Paris. Maybe even for our kiss. He was pissed. But so was I.

My lips curled and I turned on my heel. For all I cared, he could fuck Clifford’s mom until her fake lashes fell off and her contact lenses dropped out. Maybe she’d take him to the gates of hell with her, because God would definitely not answer to her ridiculous chanting.

I was seething. Seething.

But worse.


I was hurt and jealous.

And that made me even angrier because I didn’t want Santino to have the power to hurt me. I wanted him to bang me. That was it. My emotions needed to kindly go fuck themselves and leave me be. My life was already complicated as it was, I didn’t need my crush on Santino to complicate things further.

I couldn’t believe he’d picked Mrs. Clark to bang. This was his way to pay me back.