I knew she was talking about Santino. I chose to stay silent. Every word I said might reveal more than I wanted. Mom was on a trail and I didn’t want to ruin my chances of going to Paris because she thought I had the hots for Santino.

“I want you to stay away from Santino. That’s my condition. If I get the feeling that there’s something going on between you and him, then you’ll be on the next flight back to Chicago and he’ll have a new job.”

“Mom, you really don’t have to worry. Santino doesn’t have the slightest interest in me. He can barely tolerate me and he takes his job way too seriously.”

Mom’s eyes seemed to x-ray me. “You have an iron will and you like getting your way, sweetheart. Both can be an advantage but it can also get you in trouble. I want to be sure that you, too, keep the expected distance to Santino. It would reflect badly on your dad if the man he chose to protect you disrespects him by inappropriate conduct toward you.”

Ouch. Mom knew how to land a hit. “Is this really about Santino or do you and Dad prefer if I stay a virgin until marriage?”

“This is solely about Santino. He has a responsibility for you and he’s much older and experienced than you. You should pick a boy your age if you want to enjoy your temporary freedoms.”

Santino being more experienced was one of the reasons why I found him sexy. I had a feeling Santino knew how to give a woman a good time. Mrs. Alfera probably wouldn’t risk her husband’s wrath for a lackluster lover.

Of course, I didn’t mention either of this. “Dad’s twelve years older than you.”

“Our situation was very different. I was already married before and I was a grown woman. You’re Santino’s ward, and he’s known you a long time, that puts you at a disadvantage.”

That showed how biased Mom was as my mother. “You were only twenty-three when you had to marry Dad. In a marriage you are at a greater disadvantage because the husband holds all the power, especially if he’s Capo. Dad knew you from social events since you were much younger. And you told me yourself your first marriage was never real, so really we weren’t on so different levels. Only I’m not married to Santino, so he doesn’t have any power over me.”

“Arguing with you used to be easier.”

I grinned.

Mom sobered. “I have one non-negotiable condition, Anna. I don’t want you and Santino to happen. That’s all. You can have fun, but not with him.”

“Don’t worry, Mom. He’s not interested in me, and I’m more interested in meeting a cute Parisian artsy guy. I don’t have any interest in Santino. Maybe I had a tiny crush on him when I was twelve or thirteen, but I’m not that little girl anymore.”

I could tell that Mom wasn’t completely convinced, but she nodded anyway.

My pulse was pounding in my veins as I stepped into Dante’s office. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this pissed. Anna had backed me into a corner and I had only one option to get out of it, telling Dante the truth about my fling with Mrs. Alfera and kissing Anna.

The former was something that might only lead to disapproval and a warning from my Capo. The latter however could cost me everything, and not just me. Dad had worked hard all his life and was well respected. Even if he had nothing to do with my shit, he would probably be dragged into the mud with me.

“Santino,” Dante said with a curt nod. He stood in front of the window, his arms behind his back and a look of worry on his face. Despite his age, he oozed strength, and his authority certainly hadn’t been diminished over the years. He was one of the few people I truly respected. Lying to him didn’t sit well with me for various reasons.

“I’ve asked you to come to my office because I need your honest opinion on a matter.”

“All right. Dad always tells me I can be brutally honest, so that shouldn’t be the problem,” I said, my voice reasonably calm considering the rage still bubbling under the surface.

Dante turned to face me fully, which made me work even harder to keep my face controlled. “Anna’s been accepted to attend a school for fashion design in Paris starting this Fall and I have to decide if I’ll allow her to go.”

“Paris,” I said, surprised, as if that was news to me. “I assume you’re not talking about Paris, Texas.”

Dante let out a dry laugh. “Unfortunately, Anna’s dream is a year in France. Possibly longer.”

Did she really expect me to live in France for years? I sure as fuck wouldn’t learn French just so she could eat baguette with a view of the Eiffel Tower. I couldn’t believe I’d allowed Anna to blackmail me. Why had I kissed her? What the fuck had gone wrong in my brain? “That’s a long time away from home.”