Anna made a face. “Well, I also caught him with Mrs. Clark.”

I shook my head. “While this is troubling behavior when it comes to the good of the Outfit, I find it even more concerning when it comes to him being the man you obviously have feelings for.”

Anna deserved to be respected and cherished. A man that considered cheating a valid hobby wasn’t someone I considered capable of either.

“Santino has been faithful since we started… dating.” Anna’s cheeks turned red, and I decided that I preferred the term dating to whatever else she might have called it.

I nodded. “I understand. Still, I have to say that Santino’s behavior requires a punishment.”

“Santino’s protected me with his life. He’s in a coma because he protected me. No matter what you might think of him, or his behavior in the past, he’s the man who’d do everything for me. I don’t have a single doubt about that.”

I wished I could share her conviction, but Santino and I had a lot to discuss before I could decide about his future—once his health allowed it naturally. I’d give him a fair chance to defend himself, for Anna and for Enzo.

Anna pressed her cheek against my chest. “Dad, please don’t punish Santino, not for loving me.”

“As you described it, there are plenty of other misconducts I can punish him for.”

“Dad!” Anna said with a pout. She, like her mother, had a miraculous talent to get her will. I’d long given up fighting it. “Promise you won’t punish Santino too badly. Please.”

I kissed the top of her head. “I can’t promise anything yet, but I’ll certainly keep in mind that your well-being is on the line as well. For now, we have to wait for Santino to get better.”

“I hope he wakes soon.”

I hadn’t told her the news about him waking up yet, had thought it more prudent to talk to her before her mind was occupied with Santino. “He did wake. Enzo sent me a message a few minutes ago.”

Anna’s eyes grew huge in disbelief then pure happiness reflected on her face. For a father to see this kind of emotion on their child’s face because of a man they should punish harshly was a nightmare. It wouldn’t be the first time the women in my life made me blur the lines of what should be done for the sake of the Outfit. Yet, I still wasn’t convinced Santino was someone I wanted around Anna.

“Can I see him? Please, Dad, I need to see him and tell him that I didn’t marry Clifford. He probably thinks I’m already married.”

“All right.”

Anna hollered in joy, throwing her arms around me. Despite my intention to hold on to my anger, her happiness filled me with relief. I patted her back, then pulled back and said sternly. “You can visit, but I’ll need to talk to him. And after that, we all need to figure out a solution with the Clarks.”

Anna bit her lip. “They’ll want to ruin us, I suppose.”

“Maximo Clark most definitely, but I can handle him. It won’t be pleasant, though. Maybe Santino can be of help. That way he can prove to me that he’s willing to atone for his betrayal.”

“She doesn’t deserve you. You deserve someone who chooses you!” Dad shouted.

The door swung open and Anna stumbled in, dressed in a wedding dress. Some of her mascara was smudged and her cheeks were flushed.

She froze when she spotted me. I sank down on the bed, my legs suddenly too weak to carry me. Fuck. I’d never been a fucking weakling.

She didn’t move from her spot in the doorway. “You’re really awake.”

I forced a smile. “Yeah. I missed your wedding.”

She stepped in. “I didn’t. I couldn’t.”

I frowned, hope blooming in me. “You couldn’t what?”

“I couldn’t say yes. I knew it would have been better for the Outfit and that I was being selfish, but I couldn’t say yes to Clifford. I’m not married.”

“You left Clifford at the altar on your wedding day and dashed off in your dress like a runaway bride?” I smirked, but my insides were exploding with emotions. Fuck. Anna had chosen me.

Anna rolled her eyes and huffed. She still hadn’t moved from her spot in the doorway.

“Why couldn’t you marry him?”

Anna gave me a pleading look. “You know why.”

I had absolutely no intention of making this easy on her. Not after what she’d put me through. “Enlighten me.”

“Because of you, Sonny. Because I love you even if you annoy me more than any other person ever does.”

I chuckled and opened my arms. Anna rushed over to me and half fell into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my middle, hugging me tightly. It took me a moment to realize what Anna had said. She’d admitted her love to me. I pulled away a few inches, scanning her face.