Page 32 of Seduced

“She’s one in a million,” he says.

I nod. “Yeah. I know.”

“Do you? Because what you two are stumbling into doesn’t happen every day, buddy. It was like that for me and my ex-husband. We met, something perfect fell into our laps, and, little idiot that I was, I assumed love would always be that sweet, simple, and easy.” His brow furrows. “But I’ve been looking for something like that again for fifteen years, and never even gotten close. When the universe gifts you with a once-in-a-lifetime connection, don’t take it for granted. Okay?”

He glances over his shoulder before adding, “And no, I’m not telling Natalie this because she’s still healing from all the shit with her ex. I’m not sure she’s ready to hear that her Prince Charming just rode in, brandishing a shining white spatula. It might scare her. But you should know, and you should do your best not to fuck this up. For both your sakes.”

“What happened with her ex?” I ask, but almost immediately backtrack. “Never mind. I shouldn’t have asked. It’s her story. She’ll tell me when and if she’s ready.”

Henri beams and slaps me on the shoulder again. “See? I knew you were a good one. I googled the fuck out of you to make sure you weren’t a serial killer or some broke-ass scrub who was after Natalie for her money, so I suspected you were solid, but you’re even more delightful in person.”

I arch a brow. “Um, thanks?”

“You’re welcome, kid.”

“And maybe don’t call me kid?” I say, spotting Natalie crossing the room and lifting an arm with a smile before I turn back to Henri. “I’ve been wiping my own ass for a couple decades now, and Natalie’s already a little concerned about the age gap, so…”

He laughs and winks. “Point taken. I’ll think of something better.” He addresses Natalie as she stops beside him. “What do you think, doll? What’s a good nickname for this one? Brad, maybe? He resembles a young Pitt, back in the nineties, when he had all that glorious hair.” He groans softly as his eyes roll back in his head. “God, those were the days. I remember seeing Legends of the Fall in the theater for the first time. That scene where he’s fishing in the sunlight made me want to be a river trout more than I ever imagined possible.”

I hold out Natalie’s coat and she slides her arms into the sleeves. “Good night, Henri. Thanks for the invite. It was fun.” She steps in to kiss the cheek he offers.

He kisses her in return and says, “It was. Text me when you get home, so I know you’re safe. And please do all the things I would do on a first date.”

She laughs and steps back. “Will do. Goodbye.”

I lift a hand to her friend as we turn, starting toward the door. As we step out into the cold winter air, I can’t help but ask, “What exactly does he do on the first date?”

“Oh, everything,” she says lightly as we descend the steps. At the bottom she stops, turning to me with a smile that hits below the belt. “Absolutely everything. He’s a huge slut.”

“Huge, huh?” I echo.

“Enormous,” she murmurs, stepping into my arms and pressing against me, making it almost impossible to keep the semi I’m already sporting from becoming something more. “How about you?”

“Am I a huge slut?” I ask with a tight laugh. “Um, no. I’m not.”

She bites her bottom lip, making me ache to do the same. “Me, either. But I would really like to kiss you some more. Preferably in a place where no one will tell us to get a room.”

“Well, I happen to have a room,” I say, my pulse picking up as I speak the words.

I don’t want to rush things with Nat, but I’ve never been this attracted to a woman. I want to devour her whole. I want to put her in my pocket and carry her with me everywhere I go. Most of all, I want to wake up with her in my arms and know she’s in no hurry to leave.

And that’s not going to happen if I disappoint her tonight.

I can’t fuck this up, or I might not get another chance.

“You do?” she says, grinning as she wraps her arms around my neck. “Should we head to your room, then? And leave the burgers and jukebox for another time?”

“I think we should put something other than champagne in our stomachs,” I say. “Burgers, beers, and two songs each on the jukebox, then we head to my place? I have dessert options there, too, if we’re still hungry.”

“That sounds heavenly,” she says, her fingers teasing into my hair. “I’m having a great time with you.”

“Me, too,” I say, adding after only a beat of hesitation, “Best night I’ve had in a long time.”