She blinks up at me, waiting for a response.

I rub my hand over my face. Okay, that was a lot. At least she’s been giving this some thought? “How about we start with kisses, and then we decide together where to move on to from there?”

Helen beams at me. “I’d like that. I love kissing you.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about kissing, but I knew it was a big deal for most humans. Kissing Helen is amazing, though. I wasn’t sure if it’d be too wet or too personal but I love the feel of her mouth and her tongue melding with mine. I can see why the humans in vids are addicted to it and constantly mashing their faces together. I slide my hand behind Helen’s neck and lean in to kiss her. I press a light kiss to her mouth and then lift up, watching her, because I can feel her naked body pressing against me. “Do you want the blankets higher?”

“No. You’re warm and I like it when you press against me.”

Groaning, I lean in to kiss her again, lazily swiping my tongue against hers when she parts her lips for mine. She makes a little sound of satisfaction in her throat as we kiss, and the heat of need starts to build inside me again, my tail twitching. This time needs to be about Helen, though. So I press a few more kisses to her mouth and then migrate along her jaw, and then nip at her delicate ear.

“Oh,” she breathes, her body jerking under mine. Then, her arms tighten around me and she turns her head. “Do that again. It felt incredible.”

So her ears are sensitive? I tongue her earlobe, tracing it as I taste her, and I notice there’s a tiny bud behind one earlobe. Curious, I run my tongue over that spot—

Helen’s nails dig into my back and she cries out. “Mathiras!”

“Is that sensitive?”

Her breath sobs out of her as she practically crawls all over me. “Do it again. Please, please.”

Nuzzling at the spot, I lick a circle around it and her hips arch up on the bed. She’s panting and wild under me and it makes me wonder. Humans have a spot between their thighs called a “clitoris” that’s supposed to be really sensitive. In mesakkah females, the ultra-sensitive spot is deep inside the female’s cunt, hence the trend of getting piercings to tease at it.

Is it possible that this is hers? Behind the ear?



I lift my head and run a finger around the sensitive spot behind her ear. She squeals, her hips lifting, frantic with need. I’m fascinated. “What is this spot, Helen?”

She all but shoves my face behind her ear again. “Dunno. Keep licking, Matty. Please. I need it so bad.”

“I’m here,” I tell her, stroking her skin. “I have you.” Is this why qura’aki are so prized? They’re beautiful, of course, but humans are beautiful, too. Mesakkah are an attractive race. There’s lots of beauty in the galaxy, but qura’aki are spoken of in hushed breaths as the pinnacle of slave ownership. Is it something in bed, then? Are they so sensitive to touch that they can make any male feel like a king with little effort on his part? I kiss Helen’s jaw and she lets out a noise of frustration, angling her ear toward me again. “I’ll make you feel good, Helen. Be patient.”

“I’ve been patient for days,” she whines, giving me a needy look.

My greedy, sweet Helen. I stroke my thumb over her cheek. “Then tell me where you touch yourself when you want to feel good. Show me and I’ll touch you there.”

She frantically points behind her ear.

I chuckle, grabbing that hand in mine and pressing a kiss to her palm. “Other spots,” I chide. “We discovered that one already. Show me where else. You’ve touched yourself, haven’t you?”

Helen’s expression changes to one of mild frustration. “I have, but it’s not like in the vids. I’ve tried but it doesn’t feel good and I don’t scream like the females do.” She snags a hand at the back of my neck and kisses me again, full of need. “Please give me more, Matty.”

I should tell her not to call me that. That I hate that stupid nickname my brothers gave me, but…I like hearing it on her lips. I like the way she says it so desperately. “I’ve got you,” I promise her, brushing my mouth over hers. “Am I free to touch you? Or are there spots you don’t like to be touched?”

“I’d like it if you touched me anywhere,” Helen tells me desperately. “Just touch me.”

“I will.” I stroke her cheek again. “And if you want me to stop at any time, you just say so, all right? There’s nothing wrong with taking a moment to gather your thoughts and decide if you want to continue.” At her frantic nod, I kiss her again, my lips lingering over hers. Kissing Helen is such a pleasure. Her mouth is soft and inviting under mine, the part of her lips and the eager touch of her tongue making me twitch all over with need. I could lie here and just kiss her for hours, until it’s my turn to take another shift, but Helen would probably pull my hair out in frustration. The thought makes me smile, and I nip at her lower lip even as I skim a hand down one shoulder and then over to one of her breasts. “How does this feel?”