Time passes. I remember to breathe again. I’m dimly aware of his cock deep inside me and his spur in my back door. I twitch, acutely aware of his seed trickling down my leg, and the hot feel of his breath against my ponytail. “You must have really missed me,” I tease, breathless. “That was very bossy of you.”

He pants, then sits up and smacks my butt. “You think so?”

I nod, giggling. “I liked it.”

“And that’s why I do it.” He gives my butt another tap and then slides out of me. “Come on, let’s go shower.”

Of course, because I’m a shameless wanton, just the word “shower” gets me going again. By the time we undress and step into the spray together, I’m eager to touch him again. I drop to my knees in front of him and suck his cock until he comes, and then just keep tonguing him lasciviously while he leans against the wall, panting.

“Mercy, Helen,” he says with a tired grin. “You’re going to wear me out.”

I just smile at him and lick his piercing.

He groans and then pulls me off of him, and then it’s my turn. He hikes me up against him, and then higher up until my legs are over his shoulders and I press against the wall of the shower, holding onto his horns as he tongues my cunt until I come again. And again. By the time he lets me back down on the floor, we’ve wasted so much water that the recyclers are getting loud as they work to frantically cleanse the water. Matty doesn’t care, though. He just cups my face in his hands and bends down to press kisses to my forehead and cheeks. “Did I mention I missed you?”

“Not nearly often enough,” I tell him, smiling. “But I’m glad you’re back.”

“I am, too.” He pumps some soap into his hand and then gestures that I should turn.

We wash each other and take turns drying each other off. I run my hands over Mathiras’s gorgeous body, until he grabs my hands and kisses my fingers. “You’re not drying me off, love. You’re getting me worked up again.”

I just bite my lip and give him a hopeful look.

He groans, and the next thing I know, I’m back on the countertop, his face between my thighs as he licks me toward another orgasm. “Insatiable creature,” he murmurs once I’ve come down, and kisses the inside of my thigh. “You’d wear a lesser male out.”

“Then I’m lucky I have you,” I say, panting. “Because you’re magnificent.”

He helps me put on my dress, straightening it so it covers everything, and then pulls my wet hair into a bun for me. Matty kisses my neck, and then we emerge from the steamy lavatory and head into the cargo bay of the ship. I sit on one of the boxes while Matty tells me all about their trip over to Three Nebulas.

“No sign of Bethiah,” he says, pulling one box to the forefront. “But that’s not surprising. She’s good at disappearing when she wants to. We did pass by the grain station just to see if her ship was still there, but it’s gone. My guess is that she headed off in search of that poor bounty hunter she’s been chasing.”

“You think she still has Dora with her?” I ask, curious. Bethiah didn’t strike me as the type to deal well with a human companion, but she was extremely protective of Dora, so maybe I’m wrong about that. “Or do you think she dumped her somewhere?”

Matty shakes his head. “I don’t think she’d dump her somewhere. Bethiah’s an odd one, but she definitely has a soft spot when it comes to humans. It’s more likely that Dora will be looking for an excuse to escape Bethiah’s clutches rather than the other way around.”

I chuckle at the thought, swinging my legs. “Maybe she’s taking Dora to one of the clone colonies that Lord va’Rin is setting up.”

My mate gives me a stern look. “I doubt that very much. No one in their right mind would let that female lead an entire colony of vulnerable people anywhere.” He picks up a box. “Come on. I’ll carry this in and tell you about who I did see over at Three Nebulas.”

“Oooh.” I hop down from the box and follow after him. “Who?”

“Zebah ak’Ven. And you’ll never guess what she did.”


He opens the hatch to the hangar bay and steps down the ramp. “Tikosa was spitting mad because she’d robbed him again. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she’s doing it to get his attention.”

That sounds a bit like Zebah, yes.


It’s keffing great to be home. Now that Helen has exhausted me and made me come so many times that my keffing knees feel weak (what a female), I can turn my attention to other things instead of just missing her with an intensity that takes my breath away. I thought it would be a bit of an adjustment to go from wandering the galaxy on the Little Sister to a stationary location on the Second Star. The station has quickly felt like home, though. All three females have been working constantly to make the place feel more comfortable while we repaired things and shored up weaknesses in the hull. At first I wasn’t sure about the bright colors and the paintings, but they really do give the place a more friendly feel than I’d anticipated, and now I look forward to seeing the bright blue walls and the painted flowers that cover the halls.