It occurs to me that I’m not quite ready to roll over and give my mate up after all. Yes, the Scarlet Gaze might be good for her, but…so am I.

We pause at the door to Straik’s personal quarters, and when Kas waves a hand over the scanner, the door opens. Inside, Straik’s chambers look as opulent as ever. There’s a few nods to a feminine touch—throw pillows in bright colors, a discarded dress tossed across one chair—but it still screams Homeworld wealth and luxury. Straik is seated in a chair at a table, a flower in a vase at the center, and a cup of tea in his hand as he gazes at his data-pad. He doesn’t glance up as we enter, typing something on the pad with his free hand as he sips tea with the other. “Something you need?”

“Yeah,” Kas says. “Matty wants to know what the plan is for your mother.”

At that, Straik looks up and a smile of pure malice curves his hard features. “You do?”

“Have to admit, I am curious,” I say, moving toward the chair opposite him. I eye the carinoux just in case, but she seems content to sit at Kaspar’s side and sniffs his leg, then licks it. He bats her muzzle away.

Straik leans back, setting down his tea. “It’s a very simple plan, of course. The best ones always are. And it’s one that my dear mother won’t be able to wriggle out of easily.”

Now I’m intrigued. “Go on.”

“I’ve notified the Homeworld authorities that I have concerns that my mother is involved in illegal functions. Of course, Mother has her hand in all sorts of bribery, so I’m being very careful who I contact. I’ve also taken the liberty of contacting a news organization determined to expose the corruption back on Homeworld and its ruling families. I let them know that I’ve made the law aware of the situation with my family and its ill-gotten gains, and that our wealth is most likely from unsavory means.”

This…doesn’t sound like much of a plan. It sounds like a keffing mess.

“With both parties involved,” Straik continues, “the authorities will be forced to take action.”

I grunt. “It sounds…”

“Optimistic?” Straik grins, his expression even more wicked. “Oh, I know. So I’ve also taken the liberty of contacting the biggest families on Homeworld and let them know that not only is my mother’s wealth ill-gotten, but she’s taken to operating an off-world casino. They’re quite upset that she’s making credits and shirking Homeworld tax laws. I do think some of their bluster is because they need to make a stink so their own finances aren’t looked into, but either way, the result is the same. They’re going to fuss over my mother’s tax evasion until something is done about it.” He schools his features into a beleaguered expression. “And of course, I am believable as her long-suffering son who is concerned over his family’s name. Given that I’m the heir to the sa’Rin fortune, I’m risking it in the ‘hopes’ that nothing terrible is going on…which of course we know it is.”

“So you’ll be broke? Once this all comes out in the open?”

Straik shrugs. “I don’t need more credits. I certainly don’t want those credits. Not funds made off the backs of those like Ruth. Piracy will cover my living expenses and I imagine I’ll figure something out in the meantime.” He taps at his data-pad again. “Even now, ships from all three parties are racing toward the location of my mother’s casino satellite, hoping to catch her in the act. It will make a glorious vid feed, I’m told, and the sa’Rin reputation will be ruined in one fell swoop.”

“So this is the punishment?” I ask. “Ruining her reputation?”

“Come now,” Straik says. “You know as much as I do that reputation is everything on Homeworld. Once they’re done with her, she won’t be able to order a cup of tea without someone spitting in it. It’s the best sort of vengeance I could ask for.”

And his eyes gleam with malicious pleasure at the thought.



I watch the bean-shaped thing moving on the monitor, my hand on Ruth’s belly as the med-bay machine presses against the other side, feeding the image to the screen. “So when do I get to hold this baby?” I ask, excited.

Ruth chuckles. “How about you let me have it first? And then I get to hold my baby. And then Straik does. And then Auntie Helen.”

Hmm. That’s too long to wait. I’m too excited to see the babies. Both Alice and Ruth are close in their gestation, and I’m impatient. Impatient, and a little jealous. I want a baby, too. Jade is pregnant, too, and I’m going to be the only one without a baby to hold in a year.

Alice pats her slightly thickened waist. “Just be glad you haven’t had the pukes or anything, Helen. Being pregnant isn’t all that great.”