The woman closest to the entrance had the pole clenched between the apex of her thighs as she gyrated upside down. She had nothing on, no undergarments and only the skimpiest of sparkly bras—mainly for the purpose of holding in the euros people were shoving down it.

“Oh,” Luna said in surprise as we passed by the woman, staring with eyes wide. “Hello.”

I chuckled and dropped my arm over her shoulders again, pulling her into me as we went deeper into the club. Her eyes were darting all around like she couldn’t decide where to look—because she wanted to look everywhere at once.

I could only look at her.

Which made me frown. I jerked my attention away from her shining pink and blue hair as the lights flashed by us. I tried to take in the rest of the room.

Luna was the one tugging me forward by the hand towards the center stage. Where two people were fucking, right under the lights.

Luna’s fingers squeezed spasmodically around mine. She was getting turned on. I could sense it. I always could with her. She was like a little firecracker. The fuse lit and then the rocket whistled higher and higher—

But she’d yet to blow.

Because I hadn’t allowed her to. Yet.

Tonight, though.

She was ready. I was definitely more than fucking ready.

I’d make her scream tonight and not let her stop.

I led Luna towards the stage, still me and Tank flanking her.

The man and woman on stage were fucking doggy style.

He held her hair in his fist, just like I loved doing to Luna. And even with the loud music, as we got closer, I could hear their bodies smacking together. He was really fucking her.

Then the man grunted loudly and thrust a few more times, then shoved hard and stayed there. We were obviously getting here at the end of this particular show.

…Or we’d gotten here just in time for the best part.

Luna’s fingers spasmed around mine as the man’s face strained, contorted, and then he spun her around and squeezed her ass cheeks and swollen pussy.

So that most of his just-spent cum dribbled obscenely out of her cunt.

Luna shuddered beside me. Of course. This was probably her first time seeing live sex. I squeezed her upper arm, then leaned down to talk in her ear. I was just loud enough to be heard above the music. “Do you like how he’s squeezing her pussy like that? So he can watch his seed seep out of her and prove how well he stuffed her full?”

The couple got off stage just in time for another woman to come out. She wore absolutely nothing except high heels and was holding a… banana.

I looked over my shoulder and nodded at Cash and Mason to get behind Luna, only to find they were already there. Perfect. We were essentially a shield around her from the sides and back, and in front of her was the stage. So she had a front row seat when the woman danced seductively to the beat as she unpeeled the banana and then—

I felt Luna gasp as the woman lifted a leg and slid that banana right up into her pussy until half of it was sticking out. Creating a fruit shaped penis, the other half of the banana wedged up inside her. Then she held out her arms and called out to the crowd, first in Dutch and then in English, “Who wants a bite? Do I have volunteers?”

And then together we all watched man after man after woman after man go up on stage, get down on their knees, and take a bite out of the woman’s banana until there was finally only a man on his knees left suckling on her pussy.

I bent down to Luna’s ear. “I’m gonna finger-fuck you now.” Then I reached down into the back of her stretchy jeans and shoved my middle finger inside her.

She was drenched and I felt more than heard her gasp by the way her body clenched around me. Then her hips wiggled back and forth on my finger, fucking me as the woman on stage threw back her head and came.



Being surrounded by my boys, while Bishop’s finger was inside me, massaging my swollen flesh…

Maybe it was funny to say considering the circumstances and the setting, but I felt so loved.

I mean yes, I was also turned on as hell, and thrilled, and excited. All the things Bishop had promised when we’d begun this were true… Pleasure like I’d never imagined. Even if I’d still never quite felt the satiation of that pleasure.

Just always this never-satisfied lust, this desperate craving inside me that seemed worse day after day without ever reaching its apex, like a thirst that was never quite quenched.

Still, the last few weeks had been more thrilling than any in my life.