Page 17 of Flaming

Zakary’s heart races as he gazes over at the wings of the stage, and his last thought before that curtain goes up is thinking how funny it is that Jonatho is now standing where he had planned to be, watching the play.

And now he is the play.

“Curtain,” whispers Becky from the side.

The curtain rises. Stage light pours over them. The music fades.

And Zakary Tisdale becomes someone else.


The Closing Scene

The curtain falls.

Zakary and Emilio turn to each other, astonished.

“We did it,” Emilio breathes, aghast. “We actually did it.”

“We did,” admits Zakary, just as stunned.

“I mean … you kind of went somewhere else in those final few scenes, and I just went along with you, but—”

“Do you think Jonatho will be mad?”

Emilio shrugs. “Who cares. Does the audience sound mad to you?”

As the booming applause of the audience continues, the curtain rises once again, and the two actors step forward and clasp hands for the curtain call. They take their bow, then one at a time present each other for a separate bow. It may be Zakary’s imagination, but the applause seems to strengthen when he takes his.

Then the curtains close for good, and Zakary is met immediately by a crowd of his peers, including Becky and the other members of the crew, all of whom have a thousand words of praise to share. “You were so good out there!” Becky nearly screams. “I had my doubts, but man, you pulled it off!” shouts a member from the props team. “Truly compelling, moving, and just perfect,” says a costume girl, clutching a pincushion to her chest.

The praise is overwhelming. Zakary’s head spins as he’s dished out compliment after compliment. After leaving the stage where he felt so confident, it’s difficult to shrink back into the shell he not so long ago comfortably occupied, where he’d blush and shrug off all the flattery and kind words.

Perhaps he’s outgrown that shell.

It’s moments later after Zakary has removed his makeup and changed back into his normal clothes—his black crew attire—that Jonatho appears at the door to the dressing room. “Do you have any idea what you just did out there?”

Zakary bites his lip, worried. “I think I may have went a little … off-script during the last few scenes.”

“Yeah, you did. Big time. You and Emilio, both.”

“I’m sorry. I …” Zakary rises from his chair. “I just followed my heart, like you told me to. I didn’t mean to disrespect your beautifully written words, I really didn’t. I just … I just got caught in the moment, and Emilio was right there with me, and I suddenly—”

“It was perfect.”

Zakary blinks. “What?”

“Perfect. It was perfect. I took notes. I’m making revisions to the ending. It was perfect.” A smile spreads over Jonatho’s face. “I was in the audience for the whole second half. Jeremiah from New York? He had nothing to give but praise. And the best part? He wants to get his people together to produce the show for his spring season.”

Zakary’s breath is knocked right out of him. “That’s amazing! Congratulations!”

“He … also had a lot to say about you specifically.” Jonatho smirks. “I think we both won over the big wigs tonight. I’m already prickling with excitement, thinking about what all of the papers will write up about you.” Jonatho closes the distance between them and takes hold of Zakary’s hands. “You just saved my opening night. But more than that … I think you saved me.”

Zakary swallows hard as he gets lost in Jonatho’s mesmerizing eyes. “I did?”

“Yes, you did. I was ready to call it quits. I was ready to kiss my second chance goodbye … and then you made me forget our lead actor ever existed by giving your brilliant performance.”

“Wow, I … I don’t know what to say.”

“Hudson got ahold of Becky during intermission, by the way,” Jonatho adds. “He apologized, said he freaked out, got a bad case of the jitters, but was now recovered enough and would come back tomorrow.” Jonatho smirks. “She told him not to bother; they found a replacement ten times better than he was on his best day. That’s got to feel good to hear that, right?”

Zakary chuckles halfheartedly, then shrugs. “I don’t know. I feel kinda bad for him, honestly.”

“For a guy who selfishly and irresponsibly let down the entire cast and crew and could have thrown away everything we’ve all worked for? You’ve got an immeasurable amount of compassion in you, even for people who don’t deserve it. Where’d you get that from? I wish some of that would rub off on me.”

Flashes from last night play across Zakary’s eyes as he gazes upon the handsome face of Jonatho. He feels his heart grow heavy with the realization that they only have the weekend before they have to say goodbye to one another. “Thank you. For all of this. I’m … really going to miss you.”