Claire let out a loud huff of laughter. “That’s my boy. He won’t spare your feelings but he will always make sure you feel cared for and loved. He bought me a house so I would always have a place to call home and even though I miss him like crazy, that’s the kind of act of love that forgives a lot.”

The waitress brought our food to the table and we ate in silence for a few minutes, both of us taking in what’s been said. But I felt as if Claire was trying to tell me something, to guide me and I wanted to know. Explicitly. “What are you saying Claire?”

“I’m saying that rich girls like you always expect big proclamations, grand gestures you call them, but the fact is that’s not my boy. Oh sure he’ll tell you he loves you when the time is right, but men can—and do—say a lot of things they don’t mean. Grady will show you in more ways than you know exist, how he feels about you. You just have to keep those pretty little eyes open or you’ll miss the signs.”

Miss the signs. I thought about all the thoughts of Zeke over the past few days that refused to leave my mind. He was a man who took care of those he cared about, including the way he let Carlotta take over his bar for events even though it was clear he didn’t like it and didn’t need the money. He’d taken care of me despite the awful things I said to him over the past year and he’d stepped up to donate to the July Fourth block parties. He was a good man, a good neighbor and I was…not.

“You’re right Claire. You are absolutely right and if I don’t do something about it, he’s just going to end up another regret.” Like Michael and all the others.

Claire flashed a satisfied smile. “Just what I wanted to hear.” She lifted another piece of steak and chewed slowly with a moan. “That’s good steak. While I’m here I want to help you start setting up for the babies. A nursery for starters, not to mention a stroller, car seats and basinets. Double the everything.”

“Yes, sure,” I said slightly distracted by more thoughts of Grady.

By the time lunch and lunch conversation was over, I was eager to get to Grady’s Bar, to set eyes on him after nearly a week apart. My eyes were starved for a glimpse of him and the rest of me was in an even more aroused state at the distinct lack of Grady the past few mornings. And evenings.

“Are you going back to Grady’s?”

“Nah,” Claire sighed. “He’s busy working and that big ol’ house has nothing for me to do but cook. I saw a yarn store in town that I want to check out since I need to make hats and booties for two.”

Perfect. The Yarn Store was just a block away from Grady which meant I could drop her off without letting on that I was putting her advice into action immediately. “If you need a ride before Grady is done just give me a call.”

“Good to be the boss?”

I laughed. “Something like that, yeah. Happy shopping.”

“Any color preferences for the babies?”

I thought about it for a second and shrugged. I hadn’t given much thought to the gender of my babies yet because everything else was so overwhelming. “No. Go crazy.”

Claire laughed. “You asked for it.”

I felt good as I walked with determination to the bar. Claire was as kooky as they came but she was wonderful. Loving and caring and she was excited about her first grandchildren. More children to love my babies was a blessing I wouldn’t take for granted. And Grady, well he was a different beast altogether.

The bar was busier than usual this time of day when I stepped inside but I ignored the chaos and went in search of Grady, which didn’t take long. He was on one side of the bar—his usual side—and a busty blond in skin tight shorts was draped across his chest even with the length of the bar between them. Grady’s smile was tight as the woman let out an obnoxious laugh. “Oh come on bartender, just one little smooch.”

His hands went to her waist and I didn’t wait to see where they roamed on her curves, or where his mouth landed on her plump red lips. I rushed from the bar, willing the tears that burned the backs of my eyes to go away. Far, far away. That was the kind of woman Grady should be with. She was young-ish, fit and fun, not fat and pregnant and always sick. I felt like a fool for letting myself hope that a man like Grady would want a woman like me.