He laughed, and it was beautiful, it echoed in the bathroom, the rich sound put a smile on my face as I reached for the soap and took my time exploring every inch of his big, strong body. He had muscles everywhere which only made me more curious about his life before he won the lottery and moved to Carson Creek.

Not now, I told myself, determined to live in this exact moment right here. I didn’t need to worry about the future, or work, or anything else except this man who seemed to be under my spell.

My hand found him long and hard and one tug pulled an erotic growl from him. “Margot.”

I blinked up at him and smiled. “Yes, Grady?”

Instead of speaking he gripped my hand which stopped my movements as the water poured over us, and then he slammed the water off. In the next breath he had me in his arms and marched us both, soaking wet, from the bathroom. He went back for an oversized navy blue towel and haphazardly dried me off and then him.

I crawled onto the bed, unsure what had just happened, because the air in the room changed, it shifted into something intense that vibrated my body with need. The moment he lay beside me, I pounced and used my hands and my mouth to explore him all over again.

I was transfixed, mesmerized by the sounds I drew from him. They were the grunts and growls I’d grown familiar with over the months, but they were different, filled with heat and desire, and an urgency that sped up my own pulse. I wanted him, badly, but more than that, I wanted to please him, and show him that this wasn’t all about me.

His hips bucked when my lips closed around his erection, and he let out a long, low growl of pleasure as my lips slid down to the base. I repeated the move, slow and drawn out, over and over until his hands fisted in my hair and his sounds became nothing more than grunts and moans.

It was an out of body experience for me, the urgent need I felt to please this man, to hear the erotic sounds he made over and over. I was like a woman on a mission, and that mission was to make him scream my name. It wasn’t something I’d ever experienced before, that primal need to claim a man in the bedroom, but right now it was all I wanted.

I gripped him with one hand and sped up my movements and Grady rewarded me with another growl and his hands tightened in my hair. His hips moved in slow, unconscious strokes that told me I was doing everything right, and when I felt his cock grow harder in my hands and his sack tighten, I knew he was close. “Margot,” he grunted. “Fuck, yes.”

It wasn’t a scream, but it was a nice start ,and I took him a little deeper and gave him a little more tongue.

“Shit Margot, babe. I’m…oh fuck.” His body went tense and all movement stopped for a long moment and I took advantage of the moment to take him even deeper. And then I swallowed. “Fuck, babe!” His body started to move again, to shake and convulse as pleasure worked its way to the surface and he exploded underneath me.

I watched and it was a beautiful sight, Grady with his eyes squeezed tight as pleasure flowed from him, his big, strong capable body totally under my command. “Wow.”

Long seconds later Grady looked down at me. “What?”

“I never knew it would be such a turn-on to make a man do all that,” I said and motioned to him.


I nodded.

Grady smiled and crooked a finger at me. “Let’s see what else you can make me do.”

My eyes widened and I crawled up the bed, exhausted but eager to see what else Grady had in store. He gifted me with another orgasm I would never forget, and then he did something totally unexpected, wrapped me in his arms and tucked his chin over my shoulder, and fell asleep.

It was a cuddle. Even better—and more confusing—it was an after sex cuddle, which almost made this feel real.

It’s not real, I reminded myself just moments before I drifted off to sleep.

To prove my point, the bed was empty and cold when I woke up the next morning. I gathered the few items of clothes I could find and dressed quickly, determined to make my way to the exit without feeling like a woman doing a walk of shame.

“Going somewhere?”

Grady’s deep voice startled a squeak out of me, and I turned around and nearly swallowed my tongue at the sight of him. Grady wore nothing but a pair of black pants that hung low on his hips, showing off that sexy vee I’d spent a little too much time on last night, and all the colors of his tattoos.