A knock sounded on the door and Val breezed in wearing a dark green dress that showed off her slender arms and hid pretty much everything else. “Margot, sorry I’m running late, but Trey needed some attention.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she breezed into my office and dropped down in the empty chair with an exaggerated flair. “So, what’s up Margot?”

I smiled at the new and improved Valona, as I liked to call her. Since getting together with Trey, she had become a whole new woman. Happy and smiling with her eyes on a fulfilling relationship and career. “I wanted to talk to you about new photos for The Old Country House website.”

She looked shocked. “More photos?”

I nodded. “There’s nothing wrong with the old photos,” I rushed to assure her. “But so much work has been done since they were taken, so many upgrades, and I want the website to reflect that.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “Now that all the flowers in bloom everything will have that liveliness to make people want to be here for all of their special events.”

I smiled. “Exactly. Besides we have new lighting fixtures in the mansion, and Dark Horse has made some improvements to the outside terrace, so I think it’s time we show off a little.”

Valona sat a little taller and smiled. “I like to show off a little, and I think that’s exactly what we should do. Maybe we can get Levi or Lacey in here to do a little write up about the changes?”

“That’s a wonderful idea!” Excitement coursed through my veins and I was happy that work provided the perfect distraction from everything else going on in my life at the moment. “If you can make it happen, then I won’t stand in your way.”

Valona squealed with excitement and jumped out of her chair. “This is so great, Margot! Thank you so much.” She rounded the desk and wrapped her arms around me. “And congratulations on the baby. It’s all so exciting!”

I pulled back surprised at her kind words. Not because Valona wasn’t a kind woman, but most of the town held an opposing viewpoint. “You’re not going to judge me for my age or lack of a stable relationship?”

She laughed. “Stable? I had two beautiful girls inside a marriage, and I learned too late that it wasn’t as stable or as happy as I thought. Does that make me love Bella and Bridget any less? Hell no. Don’t let the gossip hounds get you down Margot.”

“I won’t,” I said with a deep sigh.

“You want this baby, don’t you?”

“More than anything,” I admitted to her as much as to myself.

“Then it is wonderful news, and I for one am happy as hell for you! I loved being pregnant, well,” she laughed, “I loved it about eighty-seven percent of the time.”

“That’s a pretty exact figure Valona.”

She laughed. “Sometimes the food cravings and the swelling became unbearable, but otherwise, I loved it because I’d always wanted to be pregnant and have children. I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Valona’s words had the immediate effect of relaxing me and calming my nerves. In that one moment I felt nothing but good things about this pregnancy, no matter what Grady did next. “I am happy. Nervous about everything, but happy. Incredibly happy.”

“Then that’s perfect. Enjoy it,” she instructed with a wide grin that slowly faded. “Not to pry, but is the father going to step up, or are you going at motherhood alone?”

My thoughts instantly went to Grady and I sighed. “It seems as if he plans to be involved, but we’ll see I guess.”

“Good for you. Even if you aren’t together, it’s nice to have a partner in all of this, someone to lean on when things get overwhelming, because they will. And to know you have someone who loves your little bundle as much as you do and will protect it? That’s such a relief, but here’s a little secret, it won’t keep you from worrying nonstop.”

I laughed. “Thanks Valona. You have both given me hope and instilled me with a deep sense of fear.”

“Welcome to motherhood.”

Truthfully, she made motherhood sound even more wonderful than I imagined. With Grady being involved, if that happened, I could enjoy being pregnant and being a mother while knowing that if something happened to me, my baby would be safe and loved.

“Uh-oh, I know that look. I’ve given you a lot to think about, so I’ll get going. I’ll check my schedule and get back to you about days to shoot the new photos.”

I nodded. “I’ll walk you out.”

Val nodded and we fell in step together as we silently made our way out of my office and towards the front bank of windows that allowed sunlight to filter in until it faded completely. “I love this space so much, so many places for photos.”