I put a hand on my hip and rolled my eyes. “Apparently my stylist is a breast man.”

He grinned. “Nothing wrong with a great pair of tits, babe. In that dress yours are spectacular.”

I flushed at his compliment and took one slow step towards him and then another. And another. “I love the dress. Thank you.”

His gaze lasered in on my cleavage as he took my hand and kissed my forehead before he led me down the steps. “You look beautiful and purple is definitely your color.”

“Purple velvet in December, who would have thought?”

“Me,” he said proudly. “The best baby daddy stylist in all of Carson Creek?”

“Damn Margot, you look hot!” Grady’s sister Beth’s words floated over all the commotion of guests arriving to celebrate the impending arrival of our twins, Marlo and Devlin.

All eyes turned to me and I froze until Grady squeezed my hand and leaned in to whisper. “They’re all stunned at how stunning you make pregnancy look.”

I turned to him and smiled. “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

He shrugged and guided me down the rest of the stairs with a protective hand on my back. “I never get tired of hearin’ it.”

Or saying it. Every day he told me or showed me how he felt about me and I no longer doubted him or us. We were strong on our own and stronger together. “I love you Grady. So damn much.”

He wiggled his brows. “I love it when you love me with that dirty mouth, babe.” He took my hand and flung me to the wolves, also known as our friends and family who had shown up for the nontraditional baby shower and dinner party.

“Can I touch your belly Miss Margot?”

I looked down into the jade green eyes of Carlotta’s adopted son Lance. “Why?”

“I wanna feel the babies moving around in there. The babies are in there,” he asked with all the innocence and curiosity of a seven year old.

I nodded. “Come here.” I took his little hand and put on my belly to the twin’s favorite spot. “Say hello.”

“Hey there babies,” he said in his thick Tennessee twang. “Holy moly!” Lance jumped back with a gasp when he received a solid kick. “Did that hurt?”

“No it just feels weird.” I wasn’t sure if I’d ever not be in awe at the feeling of my babies moving around inside my body and my time was almost up.

“All right Lance, let’s give the other guests a chance to chat with Miss Margot.” Chase grabbed the boy by the hand and led him towards the table stacked with appetizers. “I heard there was chocolate covered popcorn over there.” And that was all it took to lure Lance away.

“Ryan, glad you could make it.” He’d been on tour with The Gregory Brothers for most of the fall and Pippa and Ryanna had spent a lot of that time here at the house with Margot.

“Missed my girls,” he said as he took in Pippa and Margot chatting and smiling, both unconscious rubbing pregnant bellies. “And Margot’s dinner parties are not to be missed. You guys went all out.”

I shrugged at his words. “It’s a big deal. Our first babies and more so because she thought this would never happen for her.”

He sighed and looked at his wife with love in his eyes. “Trust me when I tell you it’s always a big deal. Baby number two feels as exciting as baby number one, just less scary.”

“Is that why you’re back mid-tour?”

“Yeah. This is our last tour for a while so Roman can focus on his solo gig and Derek can focus on producing, which means I get to spend more time with my girls. Plus they extended the tour and we demanded to have a few weeks off before the holiday shows.”

“Pippa said they were gonna join you on tour?”

Ryan nodded. “They’re supposed to but this pregnancy isn’t as easy as the first so we’ll see.”

“Sounds like you could use a beer,” I told him and nodded towards the kitchen.

Ryan’s brows shot up. “Margot lets you keep beer in this joint?”

I scowled. “This is my house too,” I told him with a grin. “Plus my woman has excellent taste and signed me up for one of those craft brewery subscriptions. You’ll see.”

Gathered around the beer fridge was Trey, Roman and Derek. “This is unreal,” Derek sighed in awe. “You better marry that woman and soon.”

I didn’t say so but I fully planned to. “Right?”

“If you don’t, I will,” Roman said and pulled a red ale from the fridge and lifted it in the air. “She’s wearing pregnancy well. Very well,” he purred.

“I’d hate for you to go back on tour with a black eye,” I told him only half-joking.

Roman grinned. “It’ll only make the chicks want me more.”