“Good because I’m yours and you’re mine.” He scooped me in his arms and blew out the candles before he aimed us towards the staircase. “I got the better end of the deal,” he growled and laid me across the bed.

“Hey, that’s the man I love you’re talking about.”

Grady froze and his dark gaze took in every single detail of my body, swollen and throbbing in the lingerie I’d chosen to entice him to listen. He kicked off his shoes and removed his shirt, then his pants until he was in just his dark green boxer briefs that hugged his thighs magnificently. “Margot,” he growled and covered my body with his, loving on me until the wee hours of the morning.

It was more than I had hoped and dreamed for.

Just like the man himself.


Margot & Grady ~ December

“Babe you look beautiful. Stop worrying, you are the guest of honor after all.” I kissed Margot’s neck as she frowned at her reflection in the mirror and wrapped my arms around her so my hands could cup her belly.

“Look at me Grady. I am about one thousand pounds and I can’t even get a pair of heels on my swollen feet and now this dress looks like a black velvet potato sack.”

I smiled sweetly because the past few months have taught me that it’s best not to argue with my pregnant, hormonal woman and just get her what she needed. “Hold that thought.”

“Don’t run away Grady! You did this to me so you stay and you face the consequences.”

I laughed loudly and rushed down the hall to the now empty guest room because after she told me she loved me, she moved into my bedroom—our bedroom—and she’d been there ever since. When I returned to the bedroom I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of tears in her eyes. “I got you something.”

She looked up through her watery gaze and sighed. “Please tell me you didn’t buy me lingerie Grady. I can’t take the disappointment.” Her shoulders fell in disappointment as she maneuvered her way down on the bed and I went to her and laid the garment bag beside her.

“I’d like to think I’m a lot smarter than that. Open it up and decide for yourself.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead and stepped back before I left her alone in the room to get dressed. I made my way downstairs where Carlotta and Mama worked on last-minute details for the baby shower. “Ladies. Need any help?”

Mama shooed me away. “No thanks. Your only job is to get Margot down here on time to greet the guests.”

“And to make her feel beautiful,” Carlotta added as she breezed into the living room in a greed and white polka dot dress.

“Already did that. Where’s Lance?”

Carlotta lit up when I mentioned the name of the little boy she and Chase had adopted when they eloped to Nashville and found the little boy eating their honeymoon leftovers. “He’s at home with Chase, having a boys’ day,” she said and rolled her eyes but even that could hide the affection she felt for them both.

“Savor it honey because as soon as he gets here all he’ll want is his mama. Boys,” Mama huffed and shook her head as she looked at me. “You look handsome Grady.”

“This old thing,” I joked and opened the blue blazer Margot insisted went perfect with my eyes. I paired with jeans and expensive sneakers since this wasn’t just a baby shower because this was Margot Devereaux-Blanchard we were talking about.

Mama shook her head. “Who ever heard of a baby shower and dinner party, I don’t know, but you sure clean up well boy.”

I laughed. “It’s Margot, Mama. She’s always gotta have a little class with everything she does.” And I loved that about her, the way she managed to make even small things feel like big, fancy events.

The doorbell rang and needing to feel useful, I headed towards the door.

“Grady!” Margot’s voice was loud and I couldn’t quite figure out if that was shock or anger or something worse.

Mama shooed me towards the stairs. “It’s probably Beth, I’ll get it.”

I nodded and slowly made my way upstairs, hoping this party wouldn’t start with tears. Or shouts.

I stared at my reflection for what felt like an eternity after I yelled for Grady, uncertain how I felt. No, that’s not true, I felt beautiful and sexy, two things I thought were off the table until the babies were born and I shed my excess baby weight. Leave it to Grady. I smiled and slipped on the comfy velvet flats I found in the bottom of the garment bag, eager to give Grady the first look.

He stopped halfway up the stairs and gulped. “Margot, holy hell woman that’s a lot of cleavage.” His gaze heated and he licked his lips.