“Ah fuck, babe,” he growled with satisfaction as my final orgasm came wetter and stickier than before. His hips moved and he grunted. “Oh fuck. I like that. A lot.” Grady’s lips brushed soft, gentle kissed on my cheek and my neck.

The doorbell chimed downstairs and we both froze. “Expecting company?” Instantly there was an image of a hungry lover showing up for sex.

“Nope,” he smiled and kissed his way down my body until he was on his feet, scanning the room for something to wear. “I’ll go get rid of them. You stay here.”

His tone sent shivers of desire through me. “But-,”

Grady leaned over the bed and slid two fingers inside of me, triggering another much smaller orgasm. He flashed a satisfied smile. “Right. Here.”

I nodded and collapsed against the bed with a well-loved smile on my face. I listened to Grady’s bare feet on the steps, still smiling as I realized that while the sex was amazing, it was also Grady. I liked him more than I thought I would, and that’s because he was nothing like the man I’d judged so harshly when he first came to town. He wasn’t the playboy bartender I’d thought, instead he was so much more, and the more I knew about him, the more I wanted to know.

Voices drifted up from downstairs, low and serious, which triggered all of my worst-case scenario fears and I jackknifed up in the bed. Something must be wrong for someone to show up unannounced so early in the morning. I found the t-shirt I’d slept in hanging off a chair beside the nightstand and slipped it over my head. It was not exactly appropriate for meeting a guest, but if you show up at the crack of dawn then you should expect people to be in a state of undress.

That’s what I told myself as I crept down the stairs and found Grady deep in conversation with a short, plump woman with a mass of red and white curls.

She must have heard me, because she turned with a wide, knowing grin that was so similar to Grady’s that I knew instantly they were related.

“I guess you two like each other well enough after all.” She laughed good naturedly, and that put a smile on my face even if it was at my expense.

Grady looked mildly embarrassed but also amused. “Margot this is my Mama, Claire. Mama this is Margot.”

“You don’t say?” Her question was pure sarcasm, and I could see where Grady got his sense of humor.

“Behave Mama.” He bussed her cheek and turned to me. “Your clothes are in the dryer, I’ll see if they’re ready and bring them up to you.”

I nodded primly, falling back on my manners because I felt unsure of myself and embarrassed to be caught naked just moments after sex by his mother.

“I would appreciate that. A lot.” Meeting the grandmother of my children for the first time in nothing but her son’s t-shirt wasn’t exactly the first impression I wanted to make.

Chapter 20


“I didn’t even get you a ticket yet.” I made coffee to keep myself busy while I figured out the motive behind Mama’s ambush visit. “Why didn’t you call?”

Mama laughed and smacked the kitchen table. “This way was so much more fun,” she answered. “Your Margot is pretty,” she said, fishing.

“She’s not mine.” Not yet, but the way things were going between us, I could feel us getting closer, becoming more than sex buddies and future co-parents.

“She stayed the night, and that’s not exactly your style.”

“No,” I admitted because a man couldn’t lie to his mama. “We had the fifteen week checkup yesterday and found out some news that kind of shocked her. I brought her back here, ran her a bath and made dinner.” How that small act of kindness had led to the smoke show this morning, I had no fucking clue, but I would keep it up for more of that.

“You are such a good boy Grady. She’s lucky to have you.”

“I am.” Margot’s voice sounded in the doorway of the kitchen and I wondered how much she’d heard. “Even if I’m only just starting to realize how lucky I am.” She extended a hand to Mama and flashed a kind, yet nervous smile. “It’s nice to meet you Claire. I am Margot Blanchard-Devereaux, and I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Mama sized her up and then relaxed with a smile of her own. “I’ve heard a few things about you too, and I’m glad to see you and Grady have worked out your differences.”

She looked to me in confusion at Mama’s words, and I shrugged. “She’s my mama. We talk.”

Margot smiled softly at me, as if she was impressed by that admission.

“So Margot,” Mama said and pat the seat beside her for Margot to sit. “What did the doctor say to spook you yesterday?”