I nodded. “Tomorrow night for dinner. I’m going to cook, well more accurately, I’m going to throw some red meat on the grill. How does that sound?”

“Deliciously masculine. Should I bring anything?”

I gave her a long, assessing look and licked my lips. “You are more than enough Margot.”

Surprise flashed in her eyes and she nodded, and then bolted out the door.

Chapter 17


Arriving late to an event because my morning sickness had decided to stray into afternoon and evening was not how I preferred to arrive fashionably late.

As it was, Grady’s Bar was filled with beautiful people from all facets of the music industry, and even the folks of Carson Creek got all gussied up to mix and mingle with the famous as well as the infamous. Meanwhile I showed up in a belted green dress in an effort to hide my growing belly for just one night.

The bar looked great. It was the same old rustic local bar vibe, but Carlotta had done a fantastic job with decorating, and there were gold records dangling from the ceiling, cowgirls sauntered around with champagne and cocktails. It was all very cowboy chic, which I’d thought sounded rather cheap and cheesy, but Carlotta never failed when it came to giving clients exactly what they wanted, even if they didn’t know what they wanted until they saw it.

“Margot, get on over here darlin’.” Roman wore a wide grin, happy to be the man of the evening as the music world came together to celebrate his debut solo album release.

“Roman, you’re looking like quite the tasty treat tonight.”

“From you Margot, I will take that with the highest of honors.” He smacked a flirty kiss to my cheek and whispered. “Pregnancy looks great on you.”

“Thank you.” I felt a blush flame my cheeks at his sweet words. “Congratulations on the album Roman. You’re going to be an even bigger star than you are now.”

He laughed and pointed at Derek and Ryan. “You mean I’ll be bigger than these bozos, don’t you?”

“Finally you get to be the center of attention is more like it,” Derek growled and wrapped an arm around Bella. “As if being the baby didn’t make you center of the universe.”

“Yeah, but now I get to be center of the universe for millions of women. Millions,” he added with emphasis.

The brothers’ camaraderie was beautiful to witness, even if they spent most of their time apparently giving each other a hard time. “Congratulations again Roman, you deserve this and more.” I made a quick escape just before a group of executives arrived to tell Roman how wonderful he was, heading to the bar to get something to combat this nausea that refused to go away.

Didn’t this kid know that I had to work?

Grady turned the full attention of his blue gaze to me and studied me for so long I began to feel uneasy. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I sighed and instinctively put a hand to my head. “Do I look that terrible?”

“You look beautiful,” he growled. “But not yourself. Sick or tired, or something.” His gaze lingered again, like I was some fragile flower.

“I’m just tired, and yes, a little nauseous, but it’s nothing to get all worked up about.”

He nodded and slid a glass in my direction. “I’ll just have a sparkling water,” I told him.

“Yeah, with lemon,” he shot back. “Drink.”

I smiled at his bossy tone and obvious concern. Having Grady worry about me wasn’t so bad and I felt warmth blossom in my belly. “Thank you, bossy pants.”

“Me? Bossy pants? I must have learned from the best,” he said with a small grin that told me he meant me.

“Yes well, as the OG bossy pants, I need to go mingle and make sure all is well.” Even though this was Carlotta’s event to put on, it was booked through me at The Old Country House, which meant I needed to make an appearance, to make sure everyone was having a good time.

“Don’t overdo it,” he shouted to my retreating back, and I waved a dismissive hand as I did my best to work the crowd while pushing my nausea down deep. The bar was packed and everyone was smiling, deep in conversation and the drinks were flowing. The night was going wonderfully and I would feel great about that, if every step I took didn’t make my stomach flip.

“Margot!” I turned to see Carlotta waving me over to the table where she sat with Chase, a big colorful drink in front of her. “Come on and take a load off. You look exhausted.”

I took the seat and sighed. “If one more person tells me that, I might develop a complex about it.”

Chase snickered and Carlotta gave him a playful shove. “You look great, Margot. Really.”

“Yes,” Carlotta confirmed. “You absolutely do, but that has nothing to with how exhausted you look. Are you feeling all right?”