I nodded. “I think he does, but he hasn’t said so explicitly.” I whispered the words even softer and gripped her arm. “You promise you won’t say anything to him or anyone else?”

She nodded. “Oh yeah, I promise. Not just because we’re friends, but also because I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.”

I turned to her and smiled. “That doesn’t sound very friend-like to me.”

She laughed. “That’s because you’re not used to having honest friends like me,” she answered playfully and ducked in close. “Why wouldn’t he just ask you outright if the baby is his?”

“Because he doesn’t care.” The answer slipped out unintentionally, but it was the inescapable truth. “He’s young and unattached, and probably wants to keep it that way, which means having the conversation is unnecessary.”

“Whoa, that is a lot of assumptions you’re making. Maybe, and hear me out, maybe he doesn’t want everyone knowing his business. Or worse, maybe he thinks you’re ashamed of him.”

“No.” It wasn’t him, but rather how it all happened. I didn’t care what the gossip in town said, but it felt wrong at my age to get pregnant from a one night stand. “That’s not it,” I insisted and turned my full attention to the still steaming nachos in front of me.

“No offense Margot, but it’s a possibility. Think of your reputation after all.” Before Carlotta could say more or I could ask her to clarify, Grady returned with a big bag of food for Carlotta.

“Lunch for two. Extra dressing on the side.”

“You’re the best Grady. I’ll stop by later to talk about bookings after the holiday weekend. Bye!” She breezed out of the bar in a quick ball of energy and left me all alone with the man who hated me.

And hated the idea that he was going to be a father.

Chapter 12


“Hey Mr. Grady, whatcha bring to the barbecue?” Levi’s grandson Mickey greeted me at the back gate with a snaggle-toothed grin and an inquisitive expression.

I lifted the brown paper bag and grinned. “This? This is for grownups only,” I told the little guy, my voice thick with regret.

“Aw man, everybody is bringing stuff for the grownups. What about me?”

I pulled a can from the bag and offered it to him. “You want a beer, kid? I think your mom and grandpa might have an issue with it, but if you really want it then I won’t stand in your way.”

Mickey scrounged his face adorably and shook his head. “No thank you. Did you bring anything else?”

“Hmm, did I?” I scratched my chin, happy to spend some time with someone who didn’t indulge in gossip and backstabbing even if only for a few minutes. “I don’t know. Let me see if there’s anything else in this bag.” I pretended to rifle in the bag, lifting up the twelve pack as I scratched the side of my head. “Oh wait, I think I found something.”

He gasped. “What is it?”

I handed a smaller bag to the little guy and grinned when he snatched it from my hands. “Look and see.”

He pulled out a can of root beer and a snack cake. “Thank you, Mr. Grady!” He hugged my legs and I wrapped a hand around him. “Thank you!”

“No problem kiddo.” I held up a fist and he balled his little fist up and tapped it against mine.

“Grandpa and Lacey are out back. Mom’s working today.”

I nodded and made my way further into the backyard, happy I’d gotten up early to deliver my volunteered items to their designated locations so I could relax most of the day with my friends. I wouldn’t have to put up with calls from Carlotta or Margot, which meant the day was mine thanks to Mayor Carson.

“Mr. Grady?”

I stopped and turned back. “Yeah kid?”

“Did you hear about the new dinosaur that was found?”

I shook my head. “No. Wanna tell me about it?”

“I wrote a story about it, wanna read it?”

“I sure do. I’ll be sitting down back here.” Mickey nodded and took off like a jet.

“Grady! Come on over and take a load off.” Levi smiled at me from his spot behind the smoking and sizzling grill.

I raised the paper bag so Levi could see it over the grill. “Got a spot for more cold ones?”

“Besides my belly? Yeah, the blue cooler under the table.”

I dumped the beers out and took a cold one for myself before I found a seat close enough to chat with Levi. “So, what’s going on with you Levi?”

“Trying to find a way to propose with Lacey that isn’t too cheesy, but it’s memorable enough. Got any ideas?”

“Me?” I laughed and shook my head.

“I just need to find a way to let her know that she’s special to me, but in a way that won’t embarrass her.”

“Levi, she already knows how much she means to you because you show her every single day in so many ways. Asking her to marry you is just a way to solidify your commitment to each other. Just say a few nice words about how beautiful and smart and funny she is, and tell her you can’t wait to start your married life together. Add in some good food and maybe some dancing, and you’re good.”