Chase shrugged. “According to Carlotta, that’s exactly what he is. Speaking of, Carlotta is on board, but she said to check with you about use of the TOCH land.”

I stared at Chase for a long time, hoping that he hadn’t just told me that Grady was the man I needed to speak with about fireworks. After weeks of keeping our distance, this couldn’t be happening. Not now.

“Nothing’s on the books for the holiday, and I’m happy to let the town use the land to celebrate our nation’s independence. But I think for the sake of liability, that we get an actual pyrotechnician.” With barely two weeks to get everything taken care of, this would be the perfect distraction from being tired and ignoring Grady. The stubborn man still made nightly appearances in my dreams even though weeks had passed since our night together, and since then he’s ignored me when I was at the bar.

Can you blame him? That was the question I always asked myself when I wanted to get mad or sad about the entire situation.


I blinked and flashed a half-smile at Chase. “Sorry. I guess my mind wandered a little bit. There’s nothing to worry about, we’re going to throw the best town-wide barbecue block party Carson Creek has ever experienced. I promise.”

“You always make sure everything comes off beautifully Margot, but seriously, you’re looking a little green. Let me get you a water or an energy bar. Something,” he mumbled with barely concealed panic.

I stood and waved off his worry even though I did feel a little green. “Not necessary, I told you I’m fine. It’s probably fatigue mixed with skipping over breakfast. And lunch.” I tried for a smile to assuage Chase’s concern, but my smile seemed to have the opposite effect.

“I’ll get you some water,” he said and darted to the small black fridge I kept in the corner of my office. He grabbed a bottle and walked back towards me with purposeful strides.

“It’s fine Chase. You worry too…whoa.” My legs wobbled and I started to sway a little, black dots appeared all around Chase’s head just as my stomach lurched. I clutched my midsection and sighed. “I’m just going to finish my notes and call it a day,” I said and swayed once before my legs gave out and everything went totally black.

Chapter 8


“And what about your number handsome, can I have that too?”

A busty brunette with big green eyes leaned over the bar with perfectly painted pouty red lips, tits on full display as she batted her eyelashes at me. She was hot as hell, but I wasn’t interested.

“What are you gonna do with my number? Give it to the man who gave you the ring hiding in those jeans?” Yeah the white strip on her left finger was a dead giveaway.

She laughed, mischief in her eyes. “What do you care?”

“I don’t,” I assured her in my flattest voice. “But I also don’t sleep with married women. Sorry, not sorry.”

A slow smile spread across her face as she shrugged and pushed away from the bar. “Too bad. But you know that noble streak only makes you even hotter.” She smacked a twenty dollar bill down on the bar and sauntered back to the group of women celebrating yet another divorce.

I shook my head at the group of shameless women who flirted like it was a sport. They were all very good at it, and eager to practice at any given time. It left me exhausted, but entertained throughout the long evening of slinging cocktails for fifty partygoers.

“Last call!” The event ended at one o’clock, and with twenty minutes to go everyone would want one last drink or two before heading home, alone or with a temporary bed mate.

Any other night and I might have taken one of the single women up on what they clearly offered freely and solely for fun, but after a full day of working behind the bar and then late into the night for this party, all I wanted to do was to go home, take a hot shower and devour the stew in my slow cooker with fresh bread I’d gotten from the bakery.

“Hey Red, you have a girlfriend?”

I smiled and shook my head at the guest of honor. “I don’t.”

“Are you looking for one?”

I shrugged. “Can’t say that I am, honestly.”

“Good. Me neither.” She slid her business card across the bar. “You look like a lot of fun for a few nights, and I am in need of that kind of fun. Call me.”

I took the card and shoved it in my back pocket. “I own the place so I don’t have a lot of free time, but I always make time for fun.”

“Excellent. Another round of shots for me and the girls. Whiskey and then blow job shots.”