“Of course,” he said. “I will get your clothes.”

“Surely not my clothes.” Alex’s room could still be...occupied.

“Clothes that will be fitting.” He dressed, methodically, and she felt slightly ashamed of watching him.

Then when he was finished, he left the room.

She crawled beneath the covers in his bed, feeling like it was the wrong thing to do. He’d taken her on the top of his bedspread, he had not allowed her to be underneath it, and it felt like perhaps an intimacy she should not have taken.

And because he was not there, she gave in to her momentary desire to weep. Just a little bit. Just to let tears fall from her eyes enough to try and ease the pressure, around her tender heart.

He returned a moment later with clothes that were definitely not hers.

“Did you drive yourself?”

She shook her head. “I did a... A rideshare.”

“That will not do. My driver will take you home.”

“It’s late...”

“It does not matter,” he said. “My driver will take you home.”

She got out of bed, and he turned around as she dressed in the clothes that he had brought her. “The car is ready,” he said.

And then he walked her out of the bedroom, as if he were some sort of gentleman walking her to the door after a date.

She smiled weakly as he opened the entry, and she saw his sleek town car sitting there.

“Whatever business you decide to conclude with my brother or not, that is up to you. I will speak to no one about tonight.”

“Thank you.”

Preserving his pride as much as hers.

“Be safe.”

“Right. Well. You too.” She cringed as she said that as she got into the car and pressed her head against the cool glass window.

Tonight had been a spectacular failure.

She had lost Alex... And she had lost her mind.

She had given in and given herself to Constantine.

Except even as tears slipped down her cheeks, a slight smile curved her lips.

Because for just a moment, Morgan Stanfield had had a pure and perfect fantasy.

It was just a pity that it was over.

A knock woke Constantine around five a.m.

His first inclination was that it was her.


His stomach tightened viciously.