It was a pool, clear as could be, with a massive, churning waterfall spilling into the depths of it from the top of the craggy rock.

The water was like crystal, and she could see little fish swimming down in the depths of it.

“This is...”

“This is the kind of opulence money does not buy,” he said.

“In fairness, your money did buy the private island.”

“But I have no control over this. I did not create it. Here my hand does not matter. There is no hand but God’s.”

“You don’t like that, usually.”

“I have been betrayed by it.”

“But here you feel safe.”

“It is not myself I fear for.”

She put her hand on his face. “Of course not. I understand that.”

They stood for a moment and looked at the water, and she knew, that this was the moment. She grabbed hold of the hem of her sundress and pulled it up over her head. She had no underwear on beneath.

She could feel his hot gaze on her as she kicked off her shoes and slipped like a nymph into the pool.

“The water is wonderful,” she said, swimming on her back until she was out at the center of it.

He was already removing his own clothing, and he dove in without making a splash, his movements neat and precise as always.

When he resurfaced, his dark eyes were intense. And she knew that she was looking at the predator. And she didn’t mind. She swam away from him, kicking toward the waterfall. The water was a violent current at its base, and she avoided that, swimming behind it instead, where she found a massive, glimmering cavern.

“What is this?” she asked, and he came behind the falls with her.

“It’s called Dead Man’s Cove. Legend has it, there was a pirate treasure in here. But I believe the treasure is what’s all around us.”

“I believe it too.” She got up out of the water, pleased to find the rock there smooth and sandy. He followed her, in all his naked glory. He was standing, and she on her knees. And she did not hesitate in her next action.

“I believe I found some treasure.” She leaned in, sliding her tongue along the length of him, and his breath hissed through his teeth. He moaned as she took him into her mouth. As she began to pleasure him in the way that he had done for her so many times.

She had not been the boldest lover, but she was learning. He made her bold. In a way she had never been. She felt so changed, transformed. That she was the kind of woman who would take a man into her mouth outside. In a cave.

But it wasn’t just because she wanted him. It wasn’t that simple. It was because she loved him.

She pleasured him like that, her hands, her lips, her tongue. Until he was shaking. He grabbed hold of her hair, gritted his teeth. “Morgan. Wait.”

But she didn’t wait. She didn’t stop. Until his control had shattered, fractured, until she had taken in every last drop of him. A forfeit of his control that she needed. For she was about to be more vulnerable than she had ever been. She looked up at him, her eyes meeting his, his expression one of supreme torture. And she smiled.

“I love you.”