It was more than being with someone who completed her. She was with someone who gave her the courage to complete herself. To be all that she was and accept it.

“Tell me about the parts of your industry,” she said, while she watched him pack snacks for their adventure.

“Have we not discussed the company?”

“Not at length. Manufacturing and...”

“Real estate. Hotels.”



“My degree is in hospitality. I’m very interested in that industry.”

“I have several high-end resorts.”

“I would like to visit them.”


“What if I... If I had ideas for them.”

“Then you would be free to explore them.”


“I enjoy talking to you, Morgan, and I enjoy your ideas. I imagine I would like them when applied to the resorts also.”

“You wouldn’t feel like I was invading your space.”

A strange expression crossed his face. “No one in my family, other than my grandfather, has ever evinced the slightest bit of interest in the way we make money. It has always been me. The fact that you are interested in helping with that... It pleases me.”

And she felt warmed by that. And by the idea that she might find a way to use her degree, and her interests.

The island was such a beautiful jungle, and the hike they started out on was brilliant. Lush plants closing them in on the trail, making it all feel wild.

“You could be forgiven for thinking that a tiger might jump out at any moment,” she said.

“The only predator here is me,” he said, turning to flash a grin at her, and her stomach flipped. “I can guarantee you that.”

“Funny how I’m not really afraid of you.”

A shadow passed over his face, and he said nothing.

“It’s a good thing we didn’t hike naked,” she said, dodging one of the plants. “It is a bit... Dense.”

“Indeed. That is a recipe for certain disaster.”

In fairness, nudity on sand could also be a bit of a disaster, but they had both risked it, and happily, to indulge themselves.

The trail wound deeper into the trees, until they were so thick the sun only peeked through in small patches, lending a prismatic effect to the jungle floor. The sound of the birds was held in by that canopy of trees, and they echoed loudly around them. There were bright blooms, pink and golden sapphire, a riot of color all around. And then she heard it. Rushing water.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

When the trees cleared, her eyes widened.