ITWASFURYthat drove him. That poured through his veins like fire. It was rage that fueled him now. He was beyond madness. Beyond reason. He was beyond anything.

His children. His. Morgan was pregnant with his children.

She had never been with his brother.

She had been a virgin when she had come into his bed.

Everything in him roared.

He couldn’t see the guests. His parents. Anyone. And he didn’t care to. All he cared about was the need that fired through his veins. The reckless, raging desire that drove him now.

Morgan said nothing. She simply hung over his shoulder, as if in shock, and he strode toward his car.

“We won’t be needing a driver,” he said, and then he put her in the passenger seat, and commandeered the driver spot.


“Yes?” he said.

“I didn’t know how to handle this. And I’m sorry. I get the sense that you...”

“They are mine,” he said. “And you are mine.”

“Yes,” she said.

And it was all he needed to hear.

He drove away from the venue, the tires squealing on the asphalt as he did. Only he didn’t drive back to the estate.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere else.” He needed to take her away. And he knew exactly where.

He pushed a button on the dash of the car. “Have the boat prepared.”

“A boat?”

He would take her to the island. And there... There they could sort this out. There, they would get to the truth of it.

But first...

First, he had his wedding night claim.

“We have a lot of talking to do.”

“You didn’t listen,” she said. “I did ask you...”

“You did ask me if I had entertained the idea that they might be mine. What you did not say was that you definitively knew. That you were a virgin, who had never been with a man before coming to my bed. Isn’t that true?”

“It is a hypocrisy to be so angry at me.”

“You could’ve cleared all of it up. There were talks of paternity tests that we could not get because they were twins. Twins.”

“I knew we didn’t need a test. I let you talk, yes. But you wanted the story, Constantine. You wanted the lie.”

It hit him hard. Bitterly so, because what she said was true. “It would have been better if it were the truth.”