“Fine,” she said, and he felt her words hit him in the back as if she had thrown something. “But if this is your decision, then it’s your decision. Marriage in name only. And we will take other lovers. And you will not touch me. But you cannot have me and others. You cannot give in to temptation and touch me, kiss me, and then fling recriminations my way, I will not live that way. You want me, or you don’t. But you don’t get the choice to have part of me. You don’t get the choice to play games.”

“I’m not the one who plays games. That was Alex. And he is dead. I’m cleaning up his mess. As ever.”

“How convenient. No acknowledgment of your own part in the mess. Of what the truth might actually be.”

“We will land soon. I suggest you get dressed and get yourself together.”

“Yes. I would hate for anything to look out of place. And that is, after all, your primary concern. How things look.”

He left her then, heart raging, fury pouring through his veins, but it was at himself.

It would not happen again. He was not a man given to indecision, and yet, he had indulged in it. He would not do that again.

He refused.

She would be his wife.

And she would not be his.

She would be his wife, and he would not take her to his bed.

Because she was pregnant with his brother’s children.

And they would never be his.