She must mean until she had met Alex.

Because surely that was the beginning of her adventure.

A current of electricity arced between them, and he felt his desire for her growing.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said.

“Like what?”

“You know like what. It’s the way that you always looked at me, Constantine. From the moment that we met. I felt silly, I felt like it was just me. Until that night in your room... I thought it was only me. I thought I was crazy, and fashioning fantasies out of nothing. A girl who had read too many gothic novels and wanted to dance with darkness, rather than standing in the sun.”

And her honesty shamed him. But then, what would the purpose be in lies? They could not hide their responses to each other.

“Tell me what you mean by that?”

“Surely you know.”

“Surely I know what?”

“That I wanted you. From the first moment I saw you. And I felt so hideously guilty, because Alex was beautiful and lovely and was so good to me. So very kind. And I wanted his brother. Who showed nothing but disinterest toward me from the moment we met. And why should I want you? Why should I have ever wanted you? And now you look at me like that now. Like a wolf who wants to eat me whole, when you know already that nothing good comes of it. When you told me that you already checked the box. Choose a story and go with that. But stop making things up. Stop making it confusing.”

“You wanted me?” He did not know why that made him feel as if he had won a victory.

“Yes. Though, don’t sound so triumphant about it. We all want things that are bad for us, don’t we? It’s human nature.”

“So I am just human nature, and you are simply a box I needed to check. I’m glad that we had this conversation.”

If nothing else, he was grateful that the moment had been fractured. Because otherwise...

He might’ve reached across the distance and taken her into his arms, and that was not a good beginning for their marriage in name only, he supposed.

“Yes,” she said. “Wonderful.”

They sat across from each other, he with whiskey, and her with sparkling water.

“I need to use a bathroom,” she said softly.

“It’s toward the back. You will find there is a shower and bath as well. You may avail yourself of the use of the facilities if need be.”

“I might just do that,” she said.

She vanished, and he took a moment to draw in a full breath, which he realized he had not done, not since they had entered the plane. What was it about her? He was a man of quite a bit of experience sexually. He should not be quite so tempted by this woman. This woman that he had already had. In truth, what he’d said should be accurate. He had her. And it should be done with.

Instead, his body growled with need.

She was pregnant with his brother’s children.


A reminder.

Unless they are yours...

No. Fury fueled him. And he stood from where he sat on the plane, and he found himself stalking back toward the bedroom and bathroom.

He did not know what he was thinking. And that was a strange thing, because he always knew what he was thinking. He never had the luxury of being impulsive. Not until that night he had taken her in his arms and she had come into his bedroom.

Of course, it could be argued, that the impulsive choice had been made for him the moment she had stumbled in there wearing nothing but lingerie. Few men would’ve refused her.