“Not at all,” he said, rage building in his chest.

“I think I will enjoy that,” she said. “I had of course imagined that I would be headed for a lifetime of monogamy when I met Alex, but things have changed. So maybe I will begin to sample freely. I didn’t really experiment in college the way many do. Perhaps this is my moment.”

“You can do whatever pleases you,” he said, tension creeping up the back of his neck. “I am not your keeper.”

“No. Clearly not. And obviously deeply unconcerned with what I might choose to do.”

“And you with me, I imagine?”

“As you said,” she pointed out, “even monsters make love. Feel free to spread it around the world. I’m sure you already have. I was nothing to you, after all. Just one more novelty for you to experience. And you’ve experienced it.”

“Quite so,” he said.

His private plane was waiting for them, and the driver pulled straight up to the steps.

“Oh,” she said.

He laughed. “Did you think we would be flying commercial?”

“Well, I did imagine that you likely had first class...”

“I’ve never flown first class,” he said. “I’ve never flown commercial.”

“I’ve never flown,” she said.

“Absurd, this, isn’t it?” And he was struck by just how different their worlds were. And how little he knew of her.

It suddenly seemed not enough.

He wanted her. Desperately. All of her. The history of who she was.

Yet, she was not supposed to be his. Not in that sense.

“Yes. I would say that this is all patently absurd.”

He walked behind her up the steps, and he regretted that, because when they got onto the plane, she stopped, turning her head to look around in broad movements, and he wished that he could see the expression on her face.

The plane was richly appointed, with a grand seating area with couches of plush leather, and a private bedroom and bathroom at the back.

“This is amazing,” she said.

“Tell me,” he said, putting his hand on her lower back and encouraging her to take a seat as he went over to the bar to pour her a glass of sparkling water. “Tell me why you have not been anywhere?”

They would have no attendant for this flight because he had wanted privacy, and he questioned that motivation now. His body went tight, and that told him exactly why he had wanted to be alone with her.

The very thought of it made the monster within him growl.


“Well, I’ve never had the chance to be anywhere but where I am. I grew up poor. And I got a combination of scholarships and loans to go to school. Alex paid those off. But before that, it was just... All I’ve done is go to school and work. All of my life. I’ve never done anything adventurous or fun.”

It was a strange to look at her, and to understand. To look at her and feel...kinship. But he knew what it was to have a life consumed by responsibility, marked by a heavy weight, from the time he was a boy.


She had looked very much like she wanted to say something, but hadn’t.

“Until this. Until you, really.”