He said that last word softly, but there was a roughness to it that was strange.

“Why marriage? I... I can still go on vacations with you I...”

“What else do you have, Morgan? You have finished school, yes, but do you have a job?”

“No,” she said, thinking of her hard-earned hospitality degree. She had left working at the bar when she had begun dating Alex and he had paid off her debts, and she hadn’t gone back to work since she’d found out she was pregnant—she’d had enough savings.

For the future she had imagined herself as a manager of one of the nice, historic boutique hotels in Boston, or something similar. A high-paying job that allowed her to interact with people, earn a living and have independence. She had been so proud of the work she had put in to accomplish it, because no one had helped her. Until Alex. Alex had helped.

And where would that leave her dreams? Were they even her dreams if she didn’t need them?

If she was financially cared for, what would she do? What did she even want? Especially with the impending arrival of the twins. The twins.


It really was a lot to take in.

“You don’t have a choice, Morgan. It was not a request.”

She knew that. She knew that it was true. That he wasn’t asking her for her hand, he was demanding it.


“As soon as possible. You are already great with child, and it is better that we marry sooner than later.”

“Of course.”

“We will marry at the family estate.”

“Well, that will be easy...”

“In Greece.”



“I don’t even have a passport...”

“A small thing. And not an issue. I will get you the necessary paperwork you require immediately.”

“You can’t do that. Surely not even you can force the United States government to move at a speedy pace.”

“I think, agape, that you will find I can do whatever it is I please. I am not a man of patience. I am not a man who waits. I am a man who gets things done.

“You will be my wife. And you will be my wife as quickly as possible.”

“In Greece,” she said.


He finally lifted the tray on the cart that he had wheeled in, to reveal a mound of pastries. “Perhaps this will put you in a better frame of mind.”

“Are you... Bribing me with butter?”

Her stomach growled when she looked down at the croissants.

“Yes,” he said.