“Thank you,” Constantine said. “What must we know now that we are aware that it is twins? Is there anything...”

“Everything looks good. And she seems quite healthy. She is young and strong, and I have no reason to believe that she is at any great risk of anything. It is likely the children will deliver early. But that is to be expected with twins. And it is no cause for concern. We will just keep that in mind as we set expectations.”

The doctor spoke as a man who had in excess of forty years’ experience in the field, because he did. And Constantine knew that he should trust him, but he found himself seized by an inability to do so. Perhaps because he had lost even the ability to breathe.

And the suspicion that existed inside of him began to grow, and while he knew...

“What about a paternity test,” Constantine said. “Simply for the formality of it all.”

“Well, that we can’t do until after the babies are born. With multiples, you cannot take a risk like that.”

“I see.”

“But I imagine that is not a real concern of yours.”

“Of course not,” Constantine said, smiling. “The staff will show you out.”

When the doctor left the room, Constantine turned to Morgan, who had wrapped her robe firmly around herself and was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Did you know?”

“My due date? I suspected, yes. It is not a mystery to a woman when she had her last cycle, Constantine.”

“Of course not. And yet you let me believe you were further advanced in the pregnancy than you are.”

“I told you I had not been to a doctor. I also asked you if you were willing to entertain the idea that the child might be...”

“Children,” he said.

“I didn’t know that,” she said. “Tell you the truth, I didn’t know why I was so big. I just thought that it was perhaps how I was carrying them... Him... I didn’t know.”

“You have a history of twins in your family?”

“I don’t know. My mother was always isolated from her family, and I don’t know my father at all. I don’t know anything about myself, and this is... Driving that home. I underestimated... Everything. I underestimated everything.”

“My parents need these children to be Alex’s.”

A tear tracked down her cheek. “I think you need these children to belong to Alex.” She took a sharp breath. “After they are born we can do a paternity test if you need...”

“They are his,” Constantine said, his voice hard. “There is next to no chance they wouldn’t be, and they would be better for it.”

She said nothing to that, her face going pale.

Surely she didn’t want the children to be his?

Why should she want that?

Because Alex had betrayed her?

At least Alex had cared for her, in his fashion.

Constantine felt nothing. Nothing but a dark, bleeding intensity that had replaced his heart when he was eight years old.

That night, he went to his penthouse in the middle of the city, and he paced back and forth, thinking that he might find answers if he wore a long enough trail into the carpet.

He was not a man accustomed to indecision. It did not do to dwell on that which one could not change. A man was not defined by his good intentions. Nor was he defined by his beliefs if he did not act on them. One thing he knew to be true for certain. Morgan must become a Kamaras. Whatever the truth of the parentage of the babies in her womb...

Rage built inside of him, and he honestly could not say where it came from. It was primarily directed at the fact that the children might not be Alex’s...